Makeup- Nia Sioux

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//You do Nia's makeup! Refer to the pic above!//

//Y/N's POV//

You had been trying to convince Nia for days to let you do her makeup, she didn't do it too often, but she was really picky when she did put makeup on. But after many attempts to get her to give in, it finally worked today. Nia had put a poll on her Instagram to see what she should do, and everyone voted to let you try. And Nia was never one to argue with her fans. So, now she was sitting on the edge of her bed, her makeup all sprawled out on the bed as you grew excited. Nia was always one to do neutral makeup, and you kinda wanted to take her out of that box today.

"Okay,!" You exclaimed as you grabbed the small tube, twisting it open as you first moved to tie Nia's hair back. Making sure it didn't get in the way was the number one priority. You dabbed on the foundation before smoothing it out, blending it down to her neck to make it all look the same tone. Smiling, you soon moved onto the concealer and then to contour.

It only took a few minutes before you were onto your favorite part, eyeshadow. You'd always loved eyeshadow, it's such a versatile product that you just instantly fell in love with it. You added a slightly dark shade that had some glitter in it, making you giggle at how happy you were that you got to do this.

"You should let me do this more often." You teased, pressing a kiss to the top of her head while you cupped her jaw. Now, the part you dreaded was coming. Eyeliner. You never got it symmetrical and it always seemed bolder on one eye. It was a tricky thing you'd never mastered. You'd decided to go with a blue eyeliner for a pop of color, finding an eyeshadow to match to fade the color down a little. Somehow, you'd managed to get the eyeliner perfect on both eyes. You yelled happily as you grew excited, startling Nia who had her eyes closed.

"Oh! Sorry baby! Just got excited!" You stated as your cheeks reddened, once the eyes were done, you moved onto her lips. Before you knew it, the lightest pink you could find was on Nia's lips, and soon you were scrambling to find the highlighter.

"Hey Nia? Where's your highlighter?" You asked her, watching her eyes open as she looked with you. She held her finger up, going to look in the bathroom and coming back with the small stick.

"Thanks honey." You stated before placing the highlighter on her cheekbones, under her eyebrows, on her forehead and on her top lip. Blending it all in, you misted some setting spray on her and she was done.

"You're all done baby! Here!" You spoke excitedly, handing her a mirror to look. Her face stayed the same as she looked it over, making you worry as she didn't look too happy with it. But then the corners of her mouth turned into a smile, and you couldn't help but smile back.

"I love it. I really do." She spoke, looking to you as you tackled her in a hug, so happy she let you do her makeup. And she took hundreds of pictures of your work.

//Sorry if this isn't what you guys want, but I thought it was a cute idea. Let me know what you think and feel free to request!//

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