Insecurities- Mack Z

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//Scenario when Mackenzie remembers everything Abby told her what was wrong about her//

//Y/N's POV//

You had been running up to Kenzie's room. This was the day where Kenzie's relapsed, and Melissa had called you over in an instant. You ran into the room, seeing your girlfriend crying her heart out on the edge of her bed. Crouching down in front of her, you gently cupped her cheeks, pressing your foreheads together as you tried to calm her down.

" it that day again?" You asked, holding Kenzie close as you moved both of you onto the bed, resting her head on your shoulder as you played with her hair. You could only feel a nod and hear some sniffles, but it was enough to make your heart break. You never liked when Kenzie put herself down, so you always tried the best you could to keep her happy. Turning over to her, you wiped away her tears and held her close, peppering her face in small and loving kisses.

"I-I just..everything s-she's ever said is just h-hitting..T-That my b-body could be better, I s-should be like M-Maddie..I-I'm childish..I-I need to grow up..I-" You cut her off, gently connecting your lips as you cupped her cheeks. Kenzi was the first to pull away, wiping away her tears as she sat up.

"W-Why do you even wanna be with m-me? I-I'm not pretty, I'm not t-thin, I-I'm not funny, I-I'm not even a good person-" You cut her off again, cupping her cheeks and making her look at you.

"Kenzie, look at me. Abby tears kids down, that's what she does. And if you keep acting like this, you're gonna let the She-Devil win. She never saw what I see. And you wanna know what I see?" You spoke, able to see Melissa peeking around behind the doorway, Kenzie nodding her head a little as she looked down, messing with her pink hoodie sleeves, pulling them over her hands. You tilted her head back up, pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead.

"I see a beautiful girl who hasn't let what happened to her in the past define her. She doesn't care about curves and her exact calorie count everyday, she cares about being happy. You're a funny girl who has everyone laughing, along with herself. You're a kind person with a loving heart, and you care for so many people. You're smart, god you're smart. You know so much and can solve any problem, school or not. You're honest, you're such an honest person and you always have people's best interests at heart. Your family cares so much about you, I care about you Kenzie. And we don't wanna see you like this." You spoke, tears in your eyes as you saw Melissa crying in the background as Kenzie had a big smile on her face.

"You really think that?" She asked, and you could only laugh a little, nodding quickly.

"Yes Kenzie! That and more." You spoke, Kenzie tackling you and hugging you tight, giving Melissa a thumbs up, hugging your now happy girlfriend.

"I love you, and please never forget that.." You spoke, your arms gentle around your girlfriend's waist.

"I love you too Y/N.." She responded, leaning down and gently kissing your lips. It seemed your job was done, Kenzie wasn't crying anymore and she was happy! Now that was a good feeling.

//I really hope you guys like this!//

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