Ch 22

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Mandy's pov:

I'm literally the luckiest girl in the whole entire world. a super cute boy bought me a puppy and I think he likes me.

"What color of bed should we get for our little princess?" Luke asks me. I nearly pass out in the store.

"pink?" I ask unsure whether he wants to get her a pink one.

"Sure." Luke agrees. " I want her to be the most spoiled dog in the world." he says.

I smile up at luke. "same." I say. We end up getting one that looks like a princess bed with a canopy on top.

We get her a dog bowl desk type thing with a white bow. and girly dog kennel. 3 Aztec collars, and a chevron leash.

"she's gonna love all this." I say looking up at luke at the check out.

"yeah she is." he says looking down at me.
once we check out, which i didn't look at the price because I didn't want to be rude, Luke stops aout side the store.

"yes?" I ask
"I know I'm leaving in two weeks but I really want to..."

"really want to what?" I ask.
"I really want to take you out."
"really?" he nods. "like on a date." I ask. my smile is wide with lots and lots of happiness like sees my smile and smiles back knowing that my answer is going to be a yes.

"yes." he's says. "like a date."

"yes of course take me out." I say smiling and laughing at the same time. I also wonder what shade of red my face is, I mean there is like 50.

I can't believe I am going on a date with Luke I feel really really happy I mean I've never been into a serious relation ship before busy but I may be I will now, I mean after all like was my first kiss. and my first everything to do with love that has happened so far.

"alright" Luke smiles. "lets get home to feed Addie."

~<>2 days later: a Friday<>~

my eyes open to a ray of sun light beaming into my eyes like lasers trying to wake me up. my room is dry and perfect. I look beside me to see Addie. she licks my face and whimpers a bit.

"does Addie miss lukey?" I ask her not expecting an answer. Addie whimpers again and snuggles next to me, "aw baby" I say. "we'll see him tonight he wants me to bring you on our date." I say. Addie gets up and jumps to my door.

I get up, wrap my self in a blanket, and put on my slippers to take her out. I look down To see her empty dog bed all messed up. I'll make it later, because yes you make this type of dog bed.

idk what to say but...



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