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Heyyyy guys! so for Christmas I got a laptop so from now on I will be writing on here because of how much easier it will be compared to writing on my phone. This means my chapters will be much longer and more proper editing. SOOO YEE much love<3

I wake up and look over at my clock. It reads 1:00. What the hell. I feel super lazy for being asleep again, I guess I fell asleep in Luke's arms and he just laid me down. I feel really energetic for some reason, or that is until all of my thoughts rush back into my head of this morning. My mom and everything I wonder when I get to meet her. Okay Amanda do not make yourself cry again I'm sure she just couldn't afford to keep me happy, or she wanted me to grow up independent or she just was too young to make the decision. 

I step out of my bed and open my door there is no one here except for Luke sitting on the couch watching television. "hey sleepy head!" he says all bright and cheery. 

"hi" i say quiet walking towards him to sit in his lap. "where is everyone?" i snuggle close to him for warmth. 

"they all went out to eat and chat with Nora, but they just went so we could catch up with them soon and they were thinking about us all going to dinner tonight with your mom, if you want." Luke makes sure to say if you want just to not rush anything. 

"Yeah, yeah I want to see her tonight." I say feeling completely unprepared to meet my own mother. "okay let me get ready and we will catch u with them." I say getting up to go to my room. i open the door and close it to get dressed and do my makeup. I suddenly get that feeling where you feel like you haven't showered in forever. I open the door back up "Um, do i have time to shower?" I ask

"of course" Luke assures.

After nodding, I close the door and walk to my closet. Hmm what to wear what to wear, I'm not meeting her yet so I don't need to worry about being fancy looking. I browse over my selection of clothing. The options are very limited sadly. Maybe I need to go shopping after lunch. I grab some shorts and a black v-neck due to my small closet options. I run to the bath room and glance at Luke petting Addie. I smile as I close the door to the bathroom and lock it out of habit. I reach over the shower and turn it on so that it has enough time to heat up while I get my clothes set down and, I strip.  

~~~20 Minutes later~~~

After my not so long shower I get dressed in the bathroom as quickly as I can suddenly remembering we are going out. I have a feeling they are done eating by now and that we will have only time to shop. I don't mind it though because I'm not very hungry anyways. After stepping out of the bathroom, I head to my room to conceal, powder, and bronze my face quickly but nicely. I then apply eyeliner and mascara. 

"Luke?" I step out of my room. 

"Yeah?" He asks standing up from the couch. 

"We don't have time to eat anymore do we?" I ask knowing the answer.

"Nope" he says. "but the crew is shopping and we do have time to go with them, they want to get you clothes for meeting your mom."

"Okay." I say. "I'm ready to go whenever." I smile feeling awkward as fuck.

"Lets go then." He looks down at me and grabs my hand. 


We arrive at the mall with a pretty uneventful car ride just us singing together in the car and lots of laughs.  

"you know..." Luke starts to say, making me look up to him and stare into his pretty blue eyes. "I don't think I've met anyone like you before." 

"really." I say blushing and acting cheesy. 

"Definitely." and by then we have entered the mall and are surrounded by people yelling their children's names, bratty teenagers, and the smell of food. 

"Thanks." I say taking it as a compliment rather then have just being called weird, which would make things really awkward. "so where are they?" I ask but before Luke can answer he's snatched my hand and is pushing through the crowd of people in the food court. "Luke!" I yell not expecting him to actually hear me. Before I know it we are standing in front of Forever21.

"This is where they are." He says.

"All of them?" I ask because if all the boys are in there with them this will be a disaster waiting to happen. 

"Yeah." He says. 

"Oh boy." I say dragging Luke into the store. "Top or bottom floor?" I ask hoping the place won;t get shot up again. 

"Bottom." He says. I like how he just knows BABAHAHAHAH.


Ending the chap. here bc I'm tired and have to go deal with all of my friends bullshit right now, as if i can even fucking call them my friends




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