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Meghan and I pull up to the Cheese cake factory, park, and then get out and walk inside. A waitress leads us to a seat. This place looks pricey and fancy, but we totally deserve it. I've heard lots about The Cheesecake Factory but I've never actually been here.

"Nancy will be here to serve you. Here are your menus." She smiles sweetly at us and leaves our table. I open the menu and peer inside, there's way too much to choose from. I quickly decide on the plain old Spaghetti with meatballs.

"So what do you think you want?" Meghan asks me.

"Probably just spaghetti and meat balls, how about you?" I ask her.

"Fettuccini Alfredo." She says.

"Yeah that looks really good." I say examining the picture.

The waitress comes to our table. "Hi I'm Nancy and I'll be helping you tonight." She says to us, as we set our menus down on the table. "Can I start you off with something to drink?" She asks.

"I'll have a Lemonade please." I say smiling at the waitress.

"Okay, and you?" She asks Meghan.

"I'll have Tea please." She says smiling.

"Okay and are you guys ready to order?" She asks


After we order we start to talk. It honestly feels like Meghan and I haven't had a full on good conversation in a long time, and I miss her even though she has been here all along. I feel like I need her to understand how much she means to me.

"So what schools were you looking at?" I ask her. I hope she picked a school near us. Colleges in California, I hear are very expensive, like more expensive than lots of other states, so I hope that shes planning on staying nearby.

"Well," she says. "Berkeley University of California, has online learning, so I thought I could take the courses from here." She says proudly.

"So you'd be home?" I ask, happy that she wont have to leave.

"Yeah, but I'd be locked in my room doing homework and studying, sadly." she says.

"but at least you'd be here," I say smiling at her.

"yeah." she says. "but with the tests I'd have to drive there because it's apart of their cheating policy." she says.

"yeah that makes sense." I say


The waitress comes back and sets our drinks on the table. "the food should be out soon." she assures us.

"Thanks." I say to the waitress and continue on with the conversation. 

"I'm gonna miss the boys like crazy." I say.

"Yeah, me too." Meghan says. "Can I be 100 percent honest with you?" Meghan asks.

"For sure." I say to her.

"I'm a little nervous about Ashton talking to other girls while on tour." She says. 

"That's crazy." I say. "Ashton is totally into you and understanding about everything you do and say, I can't see him cheating on you." I say giving my full honesty.

"Yeah. I guess you're right." She says to me still seeming a little unsure.


"That was so so so good." I say to Meghan as we walk out to her car. 

"and very filling." she says as we open our car doors. 

"Yes." I say as I get into the car.

Meghan gets in and we close our doors. She starts the car engine and pulls out. We drive back to our apartment and I get a call from Luke. 

"Hello?" I ask knowing its Luke but questioning what he wants. 

"Hey babe." He says.

"Why are you buttering me up?" I ask laughing into the phone. Meghan and I walk into our apartment to find Addie excited to see us. Meghan motions that shes going to take Addie out and I nod. She leaves the room.

"I am not." He says arguing. I laugh.

"Okay but what do you want?" I ask. "Aren't you busy will dinner with the boys?" I ask still in a giggly mood. 

"I just wanted to call and tell you that you better be prepared when I get there because we are making the best fucking fort in your room, and I'm going to love you as hard as I can tonight." 

"LUKE!" I yell at his inappropriateness.

"I didn't mean it sexually, more like cuddly. I'm going to cuddle you as hard as I can tonight. Is that better?" 

I laugh at his stupidity, "Yes boo."  

"I can't wait to see you!" He says excitedly through the phone. 

"Luke you can fuck her later" I hear Michael through the phone and I laugh. 

"Bye baby, see you later." I say.

"Bye love." Luke says.

We hang up and Meghan walks in with Addie. 

"What was that about?" Meghan asks.

"Oh, Luke being Luke." I say, "I guess we are making a fort tonight?" I tell her.

"Awe that's cute, I wish Ashton and I did stuff like that." She informs me. 

"Call him up, and invite him over tonight and make a fort." I say.

"Maybe," She smiles.

"Wait!" I say.

"What?" Meghan asks. 

"What about our sleep over?" I ask.

"Oh, we will have plenty of time for that later, spend your time with Luke and I'll make Ash come over." Meghan smiles at me. 

"Okay." I smile back, making my way to my room.




K bye

-RaInA LmAo

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