ch. 29

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After driving for what feels like forever, we rather quickly arrive at our destination. Luke gets out of the car, and walks over to my side to open the door for me. "Thank you" I say to him after he finishes his kind gesture.

"You're welcome" He says to me, then closing the door for me.

He grabs my hand as we walk up the parking lot, and up to the very nice looking building. He opens the restaurant doors for me and walks up to the employee.

"Reservation name please?" The young woman asks Luke. Luke says his name in hopes that she won't freak out. Working at such a nice restaurant the woman stays professional and says, "yes right this way sir." to Luke looking like she's about to pass out from his fame and beauty. We get led up a flight of stairs and up to the roof top where all of the people look very high class and wealthy. Here you go the woman says setting down our menus. "Mikah will be serving you this fine evening." she says in regret, probably because she would kill to serve Luke.

After a couple minutes of looking at what I want to drink, I quickly figure out what I want. Virgin tequila sunset, Meghan's mom used to make them for us all the time but I haven't had one in for what feels like forever. Meghan's mom used to always bake and cook us stuff for when we used to watch movies together.

"So I want to know absolutely everything about you." Luke says.
"well you can't just lay it on me like that, what do you want to know specifically and we will get to the other stuff later." I say expecting a happy talk.
"okay what about small stuff, like favorite color, dream job. ya know that kinda stuff." Luke says looking cute af.
"well my favorite color at the moment is blue or pink." I reply.
"what is at the moment supposed to mean." he questions.
"well it changes all the time." I say. we both laugh at me.
"dream job?" he curiously asks.
"well my dreams were always crushed by reality but a teeny bit of me really wants to be a teacher." I say.
"that's realistic." Luke says looking around.
"yeah I guess." I say.
"that woman over there." Luke says rudely pointing to a lady sitting a few tables away. "she has been looking you up and down like crazy."
"Luke put your hand down." I say slapping his hand and looking at the woman.
"she's too old to be your possible mom." he says as if he's looking. the woman looks at me with wide eyes, not judgey eyes but wide eyes.
"I wonder what she's thinking." I say.
"me too." Luke says. A man walks up to our table and gets out drink order. Our waiter walks up too the lady who was staring me down's table. She gives him the bill with her card slightly sticking out, Luke and I observe her.

After giving her her check back, the older woman walks up to our table.
"do you model?" she asks me.
"no?" I question trying not to sound rude.
"have you ever modeled." She asks me. I look at Luke who winks at me then look back at her.
"no." I say again.
"do you want to model?" she asks.
"I mean that would be fun, I guess I've never really thought about it but yeah." I say sounding really insecure.
She hands me her card. "give me a call tomorrow after 1:00. we should definitely set something up because you would be perfect."
"Thank you." I say in awe up at her.
"mhmm." she nods and walks away.
"do you have a new dream job?" Luke asks.
"yup." I say fully wanting to be a model.

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