Chapter 1: The Truth on Corellia

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KORA KNIGHT AND HER MASTER had been sent to Corellia to retrieve vital information regarding the Sith. Ever since the Sith Lord Darth Maul was killed eight years ago, the Jedi have obtained little to no information regarding the return of the Sith. Many had thought Maul was a wanna-be, but the Jedi Council had not.

The Jedi Archives did obtain information on the Sith, but one could never be too careful. Everyone knows there can only be two Sith at a time, so was Maul the master or apprentice?

A few hours ago, the Republic received an anonymous tip saying there was crucial information on Corellia. After that, the council immediately thought about who to send. It could be a trap after all. After a few disputes, it was decided that Master Plo Koon and his Padawan would take the task.

Once Kora and Plo Koon had arrived, they immediately put on cloaks to cover their traditional Jedi robes. They both made sure their lightsabers were safely tucked away for no one to see. They couldn't risk drawing unwanted attention to themselves.

To say the eighteen-year-old was excited would be an understatement. It wasn't every day the council chose you (and your master) for a very important mission. She was finally going to prove herself. Maybe after this, they'd finally see that Kora wasn't just some scared little girl who just happens to be force sensitive.

Corellia reminded Kora of Coruscant, but Coruscant was much prettier in her opinion. Corellia was well known for smugglers and loads of factories while Coruscant had the Republic capital and the Jedi.

Unlike Coruscant, Corellia had water and plant life on the planet.

Plo Koon had told Kora to stay close to him. He had to make sure she was safe at all times. Plo pulled out his holo device which to contained the exact coordinates from the anonymous tip. He stared at it for a few seconds and then looked around their current location. "We should be near."

Kora knew that speaking in public could somehow risk their entire mission so she gave a slight nod. It wasn't that the Corellians' would recognize her voice but her manner of speaking. 'All Jedi sound the same' someone had once told her.

Tucking a lose strand of hair behind her ear, she gave one good look at the setting around her. They were in the public. People were practically everywhere. Where would someone with information be in a place like this? How could they be told apart from the normal citizens?

"Focus Kora. What does the Force tell you?" Plo Koon looked down to face his padawan. He would never fail to see a teaching opportunity even if they were in imminent danger.

Kora closed her eyes and blocked out all distracting noises. Trust the Force, Kora. She could feel the emotions of the people surrounding her. Joy, sadness, anger, frustration. She could feel their energy swaying like waves in the Force. Kora looked deeper. She needed to look for something out of place.

Then, a strange feeling surpassed her. It was a pulling sensation towards the docks. There was raw emotion linked to the pull. Fear, anxiety.

Their messenger was there.

"The docks." Kora tilted her head in the direction of her master but did not once lose sight of the docks.

"Very good, little Kora." Plo Koon started making his way to the location with Kora trailing behind. She grumbled internally at the nickname. Plo has raised her since she was four years old. It made sense to call her 'little' back then, but not now. She's eighteen, not a child. She hated seeming small and helpless.

Once they got closer, they noticed a hooded figure staring out into the ocean. The person's hands were fidgeting relentlessly and short little mumblings came out of them.

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