Chapter 9: The Clones

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THE NEXT MORNING, Kora was up and ready for training. Last night, Anakin and Kora had stayed up talking for hours. She got to know him a lot better. For example, she learned that he loved pod racing and had even won a race when he was young. She also learned that Anakin loved building and fixing things. He's even built his own droid but gifted it away to an old friend. 

Kora put her hair into a low ponytail, being too short for her usual long plait. However, her padawan braid remained its normal length and sat on her shoulders. It wasn't the prettiest but honestly, Kora didn't mind it. 

She grabbed a quick breakfast before heading to the dojo. Kora really needed to better her lightsaber skills, especially with a war on its way. And if the Jedi were to fight in said war, she wouldn't want to last a mere two seconds in total. Kora wanted to learn how to defend herself better. 

Since the Separatists had destroyed her lightsaber, she was stuck to using spare ones from the Temple. However, Kora was planning another trip to Illum very soon to build a new saber. 

She spun the saber in her hand, slowly becoming familiar with the hilt. 

Kora walked up to the training hologram and activated it. The device buzzed and soon projected a humanoid figure. It had no face, but Kora imaged it as Count Dooku. Since he was not physically present, she wanted to get payback somehow so she might as well beat the hologram and pretend it was him. 

Kora used lightsaber form V. This form of lightsaber combat focuses on alternating between a strong defense followed by a swift counter-attack. She didn't like being always on defense or offense, so Kora found the in-between. 

Kora crouched low; her lightsaber ignited. Her blade pointed down to the right and hands were raised high to the left. She watched as her opponent as it assumed its own en guard stance.

In the blink of an eye, the hologram launched its attack. It came from the left and brought its blade down to bear on Kora's left shoulder. Kora anticipated the move and rolled to the right while she swung her own blade to intercept the simulated image. In a second, it was back up.

It struck again; low right sweeping stroke. Kora went to block low, but it was only a feign. Midswing, the hologram changed rotational direction. It swung the other way in an attempt to slice the Jedi's midriff. Kora dropped to the ground, raised her foot, and "kicked" the image in the chest, ending the simulation.

Kora de-activated her lightsaber and slowly got up from the floor. She walked over to the projector, about to start up the hologram once more. 

"It's nice to see you back on your feet, Kora." 

The padawan turned her gaze to the left and watched Master Plo Koon make his way toward her. She removed her hand from the projector sensing a conversation arising. 

"Master," Kora gave a respectful bow of her head. She could sense a wave of guilt coming from him, but also some pride. 

"I wanted to apologize for putting you in danger. I hadn't prepared you enough to face Count Dooku and it ended awfully. I am truly sorry." Plo spoke with a tone of sadness Kora has never heard before. She didn't like it at all. 

She sighed, "Master, it was because of your teachings that I even survived in the first place. I wouldn't be standing here today if it weren't for you. And now, at least, I know I have some a lot to work on with my form and strategies." Kora gave him a bittersweet smile, hoping he would return it from underneath his mask. 

She could feel a weight lifted off his shoulders when he said, "You are brave and wise, more so than I could ever be," Kora furrowed her eyebrows. That wasn't true at all, but she did not interrupt him. "it is now that I truly understand the Council's decision."

our broken promises ~ a.skywalkerHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin