Chapter 15: Identity Theft

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KORA STARED OUT THE GLASS WINDOW AS THE SHIP TRAVELED AT LIGHT SPEED. BD-1 was still resting on her shoulder, occasionally making sounds and noises. Kora would try to guess what he was saying, but Anakin would start laughing when she failed. 

She was sitting in the co-pilot seat since Anakin insisted on being the pilot. Apparently, he was the 'best pilot ever', but Kora's only seen him fly once. 

Their Padawans sat in the seats behind them, deep in a conversation. Kora could still not believe that she has a Padawan; it felt like a dream. 

"So let me get this straight. You want pretend to be loyal Separatists? There's no way they'll buy it," Anakin turned his head over to Kora. Her plan sounded insane, more insane than usual. 

"Yes," she nodded, "All we need are some fake IDs and a backstory. According to the information I was given, there will be two Senators aboard the ship we need to go to. If we can stop them from boarding and take their place, it'll be easier than fighting our way through." 

"Okay... but how do you know where the Senators will be before boarding the ship?" he asked with a raised brow. 

"They are married and live together so that means they'll be in the same place before boarding. The Senators are going to be at Raxus since that's the capital. The plan is to land outside the city to avoid any government officials, find the two senators, and change into their clothes. It's good that these two will be human so we should be able to look like them."

He seemed to think over the plan, "What about Cal and Ahsoka?"

Kora immediately replied, already having an answer in mind. "They can pose as our aids. Sure we'd have to find a change of clothing for them too and hide their Padawan braids...but I think it could work."

Anakin shook his head, "This is crazy," he paused for a moment, "But crazy is good."

"I knew you'd say that," that brought a smile to her face. "Besides, if you didn't agree I'd have to drag your unconscious body along with me." She crossed her arms, looking completely serious (in a playful way) by the way her eyes stared into his. 

He laughed. He was amused by the idea formed in his mind. However, he did not dare break eye contact. He felt entangled as he gazed at her; as if there were an invisible force keeping him from moving away. But part of him didn't want to move away. Anakin was completely captivated. 

Then a little voice in the back of his head drew him away from his thoughts. It was reminding him that the two of them had a job to do. Looking away, Anakin resumed back to the conversation. "I weigh at least three times your body weight, there's no way you'd be able to do that."

Blinking a few times to recover from the prolonged stare, Kora replied. "I definitely could." 

Cal and Ahsoka's conversation dropped upon hearing the growing silence between their masters. They both looked at each other in curiosity. "So what's the plan exactly?" Cal asked.

✢ ✧ ✢

The four of them plus droids managed to convince the air traffic control that they were loyal Separatists. All Anakin really did was say things like "hail Dooku" which sounded absolutely stupid in Kora's opinion. 

They had luckily brought "normal" clothes to change into so they wouldn't be seen as Jedi roaming the streets. But now their goal was to find the Senators and.....convince..them to let Anakin and Kora steal their clothes. 

Kora had a hunch guessing it was not going to end up violent less. 

Walking around the streets of Raxus, the two Jedi couldn't help but stare. The people around them seemed so...normal. They did not seem like people who would intentionally start a war. It was beyond weird. 

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