Chapter 32: The Turncoat

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WHILE GENERAL KENOBI OPTED TO STAY WITH THE SENATORS AT THEIR DINING EVENT, Kora and Anakin ventured into the cruiser's bustling cargo halls. As they entered, the room teemed with clones scurrying about amidst rows of containment boxes and senatorial packages. Kora couldn't help but marvel at the sheer volume of items packed within the space; it felt like wandering into a labyrinth of goods that could easily fill an entire training dojo back on Coruscant.

Anakin strode in, stretching his back as if knowing action was soon ahead. With a light tone, he greeted, "Alright men, what's the problem? I'm missing dinner."

Kora scoffed beside him, "I think you're missing the glasses of wine, that's all."

He shot her an overdramatic look of hurt, his hand dramatically clutching his chest as if wounded by her sarcastic remark.

A few clones around the two Jedi let out small chuckles while Cody cut to the chase. "Not sure yet, sir, but there's still no sign of Mixer and Redeye."

R2-D2 jumped into the conversation, adding his own whirlwind of frantic beeps. Anakin leaned closer to his astromech, "What's the matter, buddy?" The blue and white droid continued to explain how frightened he'd been just seconds ago, taking time to yell at Anakin for disappearing. Kora found the whole exchange rather cute. "I know, I know, but I'm here now. Use your scanners. See if something's out of place."

R2 beeped affirmatively, his dome rotating as he extended his scope scanners, leading the group into the dimly lit maze of the cargo hall. With a soft whir, the astromech droid guided them forward, his beeps echoing against the metal walls. Meanwhile, Rex, Cody, and Aim activated their flashlights, casting beams of light that cut through the darkness, illuminating the path ahead.

Kora couldn't shake off the sense of unease creeping over her. It wasn't merely the darkness that unsettled her, but rather the unknown threat lurking in the shadows, the same one that had spooked R2-D2. Her senses heightened, and she remained vigilant, every sound amplified in the silence of the cargo hall.

After a few minutes of tense exploration, they stumbled upon a large, empty container that stood conspicuously amidst the sea of crates and boxes. Kora's brows furrowed as she folded her arms, her gaze narrowing as she scrutinized the container. She channeled the Force to see if it flashed any warning signs at her. A shiver ran down her spine as she sensed a faint disturbance, a subtle ripple in the Force that hinted at danger lurking nearby. Beside her, Aim approached the container, his helmet's light casting eerie shadows across the metallic walls. With a cautious hand, he peered inside, his eyes scanning the empty interior for any signs of life or movement.

"Well, what have we here?" Aim asked. He approached the box and used his helmet's light to view the inside. The container seemed perfectly intact -- no signs of a struggle or movement at all. Weird.

"Whatever was in here is gone," Kora stated with concern. "And I doubt it's friendly."

Rex turned his head toward her, "But sir, we've had guards at every door; no one's been down here since we embarked."

Anakin hummed in thought, his brow furrowing in contemplation. "Or it got up and walked away," he mused, considering the possibilities. Turning to the group of clone troopers, he straightened his posture, ready to issue new orders. "Alright, fan out. Separate squads. I'll contact Obi-Wan with our new findings."

In moments like these, Kora wished her padawan, Cal, was by her side. Unfortunately, he and Ahsoka had been sent on a mandatory retreat just the day before, leaving her and Anakin to handle this mission alone. Cal's psychometry would have been a big help in finding the spy and whatever was in the container.

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