Chapter 5: The Droid Factory

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DUCKING THE KILLER MACHINES was probably the most stressful thing Kora's ever done in her entire life. Not only did she have to time it correctly, but also run as fast as she could while crouching. Getting brutally squashed by droid-making machines was not the way she planned on dying. 

She's pretty sure she had heard a lightsaber ignition from behind her but Kora didn't have time to check. 

The next machine up ahead blew dry ice onto the molten pieces to cool them down. One wrong move and she'd be getting burned ice. With her heart pounding in her chest, she took a deep breath and ran forward. While crossing, the ice had only caught the tip of her hair but she barely even noticed. 

Leaping over the next few lower contraptions, she continued down the conveyor belt. 

There seemed to be no more terrible mechanisms up ahead which eased Kora's mind. Suddenly, a Geonosis flew by right next to her and fired his weapon. Quickly reacting, she activated her lightsaber and deflected a few incoming hits. Running down the belt, she quickly dodged a blast with a roll. While using the moment to stand up once more, Kora swiftly sent her blade through the bug's body. 

She didn't give herself the time to make sure it was dead but instead attempted to get away from it as soon as possible. Surely more would be coming.

Kora looked everywhere for a sign of Anakin Skywalker but he was nowhere to be seen. She begged he hadn't gotten himself killed. Kora knew that shouting his name would only give away her position, but she didn't know what else to do.

Kora momentarily calmed herself. Feeling her heart rate slower and her breathing becoming even, she focused on his force signature. He should be easy to find, given that he is the only one there who can wield the force. 

It didn't take long to feel his presence. It was like the force was literally radiating off of him. She's never experienced that before with any other Jedi. It was like his connection was much stronger, even stronger than Master Yoda's. 

Making her way towards his location, she saw his arm tied down to one of the droid-making mechanisms. If his arm was trapped, there's simply no way for him to escape without losing a body part. 

Jumping onto the conveyor belt he was on, she gripped her saber and started cutting around the cast on his arm. She didn't know exactly where his hand was located so she didn't risk cutting it into pieces. Kora thought of saying a snarky remark about having to save his ass but decided to not say anything. Getting distracted would only risk getting hurt.

She briefly backed away as a sharp cutting machine neared them.  She created space from herself and Anakin, letting the blade cut in between them. Once it had passed, she continued working on freeing his hand.

Once they got near another large cutter, she did the same thing as last time and created space between them. Only this time, the blade cut right into Anakin's lightsaber, resulting in half of it being sent flying in another direction. 

But at least now he was able to free his hand from the metal cast. "Thank you," he sincerely said.

"No problem, although you did lose half of your lightsaber." Kora shrugged, clipping her own saber into her belt.

The boy groaned while staring at his broken weapon. "Not again. Obi-Wan's gonna kill me."

When the two of them reached the end of the conveyor, three destroyers rolled up to them and aimed their blasters at the two. Not long after did a blue and white armored Mandalorian appeared right in front. "Don't move, Jedi." He sneered.

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