Chapter 4: The Red Rock Planet

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KORA KNGHT ALWAYS LOVED BEING A JEDI. Even from a young age, being trained as a protector of peace felt like a huge honor for her. She loved the Order and the people in it as well. The Order stood for hope and selflessness; all things Kora wanted for the galaxy. 

However, nothing is ever easy. 

Since the dawn of time, the galaxy has never truly had a moment of peace. There is always a war happening, such as now with the fight against the Separatists. Kora just didn't think she'd be a part of such a big one. She's just a padawan after all.

"Okay, so let's say we make it to Geonosis without getting caught. What's your plan on getting out of the ship, unnoticed?" Kora sassily folded her arms and raised her eyebrows at Anakin. The two of them just spent the entire past two hours going back and forth about whether this was a good idea or not.

Anakin, obviously, said that it was a brilliant idea to put an end to the droid-making factories. Kora, on the other hand, said that they'd die trying. She wasn't usually pessimistic but the odds were not in their favor.

"We'll steal a ship and head to the ground, duh." Anakin rolled his eyes. He was not particularly enjoying Kora's attitude towards him. 

"Yeah? And what happens when they notice an unauthorized ship has left the dreadnought? It's not like we can just jump into hyperspace on the planet's grounds. They'd shoot us down in two seconds!" Kora pointed out. She leaned against the wall and waited for his response.

"They couldn't shoot us if they tried. All droids have terrible aim, plus I'm great at flying." He shrugged his shoulders as if it was no big deal. Kora simply stared at him, trying to read if he was lying or not. Could this plan actually work? Or would it end in two less Jedi in the Order?

Kora sighed, "There's no talking you out of this is there? Fine." She threw her hands up in the air defeatedly and rolled her eyes. "If we die out there, I'm going to kill you. And if we do somehow survive, I'm not going to take the blame with the Jedi Council."

"Fair enough but by the time we leave Geonosis, the council will love us for destroying the factory. In fact, we might even get knighted." Anakin shrugged his shoulders and looked at Kora with a convincing stare. 

"You keep yourself in such a high esteem, sandboy." 

"You know it, Coral."

Kora cringed at the nickname she resisted the temptation to wipe that smirk off his face. Everything about him was so irritating. He didn't follow the council's direct orders, he puts himself and others in dangerous situations, he's cocky, and never paid attention to Kora's opinions. 

The ship created a loud noise accompanied by a strong jolt which sent Kora off her balance. She stumbled slightly into Anakin's shoulders and attempted to steady herself once more. Anakin reached an arm out to her just in case she fell any further. 

Kora's eyes widened as she realized she almost fell onto Anakin. Her face heated up with embarrassment knowing he witnessed the entire thing.

Anakin was able to sense her shame and tugged a smirk onto his face. "Falling for me already?"

Kora scoffed, "You wish. Come on, we have a job to do." She dusted off her robes and stood up straight. "Our job now is to get to the surface and into the factory without getting killed. As soon as the Separatists dispatch their ships to the surface, that's our chance to try and blend in." 

Anakin raised an eyebrow at her. He was finding the situation quite amusing. Giving the girl a slight nod, the two of them patiently waited for the first round of droids to hit the landing bay. 

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