Chapter 30: Escape from Florrum

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THE TRIO HAD TRIED TO ESCAPE ALMOST A DOZEN TIMES OVER. IT APPEARED THAT TRYING TO FOOL A BAND OF PIRATES WAS NOT THE EASY TASK KORA BELIEVED IT'D BE. No, she had clearly underestimated them. The task of escaping almost seemed impossible at this point. There was no word from the Republic and they've been captive for at least one rotation -- how much longer would they be on Florrum?

The trio had almost managed to escape a few hours ago. They'd made it outside and avoided getting blasted into smithereens, right onto the edge of the pirates' headquarters ... all until their captain stopped them.

Kora found it weird how he had yet to introduce himself. Then again, she hasn't told him her name yet either. Maybe the next time the captain graced her with his presence she'll do the honors.

Right after their attempted escape, the pirates concluded that the trio together was dangerous, so they separated the two Jedi from Dooku. Kora supposed it should bring ease to her mind, but she'd rather have her eyes on the Sith Lord at all times rather than allow him to escape on his own. At least now he didn't have two Jedi trailing behind him at all times; that was a recipe for disaster.

Unlike Dooku's situation, Kora found herself highly uncomfortable with her new shackles.

She and Anakin were now suspended a few feet into the air by Force-Dampening ray beams. Her wrists hung tied above her head and legs bound together. Kora could feel the blood rush from her arms, causing her pain. Since her back was facing Anakin's, she couldn't see his face, but maybe that was for the better. The girl didn't know how to act around him anymore -- much less in a high-risk situation where they might remain for hours, maybe days. Would she start recklessly confessing, fearing for her life and his?

No, she couldn't. At least not yet with a party of pirates surrounding the duo, cheering at their captivity.

But she wished he could comfort her right now. Kora needed his touch on her face again.

"Hey, slimeballs!" Anakin called out for the Weequays' attention, "the Republic was sending a ransom, why risk losing it?"

The pirates laughed like it was some sort of inside joke, making Kora's stomach churn distastefully. Her heart pounded against her chest.

The captain suddenly entered the room, a drink in hand and his disgusting pet on his shoulder. His very presence appeared regal...but a drunken regal. He tutted, "Ah, your Republic obviously doesn't want the Sith Lord..."

No, that couldn't be right. Kora and Anakin spoke to them yesterday and they confirmed sending a Senator and Representative for the ransom. The Republic would never make a promise they weren't planning on keeping, right? And surely the lack of contact on her part must have worried them?

"They didn't show?" she asked. "That's not possible. They told us they'd come."

The captain hummed to himself with humor, "Oh, no, they did show," his accent thick, "with a huge army that they thought would be enough to get the better of me, Hondo!"

Finally, a name. Well, it's a pleasure to meet, you, Hondo.

She shook her head, taking in Hondo's claims. That didn't sound at all like the Republic; they'd never show up to a peaceful ransom exchange with an army.

"That's not true," Anakin denied.

"Are you calling me a liar?" the captain pointed his ugly finger at him threateningly. Kora assumed Hondo didn't take well to anyone questioning his authority. Maybe he simply needed to be humbled more often.

Kora grumbled, feeling frustration rising from the Weequay's accusation. "I do believe that's what he's saying. Besides, isn't that your whole job?"

A silence broke into the room. The pirates stared at their captain with surprise, waiting for the next play like a nuna-ball game. Kora didn't dare break eye contact, even as she heard Anakin chuckle from behind, making her mind go haywire. His laughter, for some odd reason, managed to cause the most bizarre reactions from her. However, there was a time and place and now was not it.

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