Chapter 3: Rescue Mission

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KORA'S EYES FLUTTERED OPENED and was immediately met with a pounding pain in her head. She placed her hands on the cold floor and winced in discomfort. Her hand reached her shoulder and remembered the blast that had skimmed it. Luckily, there was no blood pouring out of it. 

Kora's eyes met with the red beams holding her cell closed. They made the entire room shine a deep color of scarlet red. The cell reminded her of the Mandalorian prisons used to keep Jedi captive in the old books she'd read. If this was a twisted version of one, her abilities were dampened.

She reached for waist and sighed angrily as she realized the Separatists had also taken her lightsaber. It made sense, but there was still a lingering hope that maybe, just maybe the droids were dumb.

Kora's mind observed the situation. Two droids were parked outside her cell. No one had come in to talk to her yet. From the somewhat fresh cut on her shoulder slowly healing, she could tell it's been at least one day since Corellia. 

Her heart was racing. She's never been in enemy territory for this long before. She's never even gone on a mission on her own before. What was she supposed to do now? Wait for the General to come integrate her? Wait for Plo Koon? Was she sure that someone would come rescue her? 

Padawans were practically dispensable in the eyes of the Council. Since attachments are forbidden, it's taught that death is to be celebrated. But she had the information, that's valuable enough, right? If not to save her, save the knowledge.

Kora's heart ached at the thought of being less important than information, but she knew it was true. If the council decided to rescue her, it wouldn't be for her.

Kora closed her eyes and tried to get a read on the ship she was aboard. She felt the movements of battle droids, the humming of devices, the clattering of the engine room, but most importantly, the heavy footsteps from before.

General Grievous was aboard the ship and making his way towards her. 

Kora mentally prepared herself for all sorts of torture. Would it be needles with poison? Brute force? Mental manipulation? Death even? They needed the information gone and she was the only one with it, killing her would be the smartest option. 

"Padawan Kora Knight. What a pleasure it is to meet your acquaintance." The robotic voice taunted. He was obviously going to enjoy speaking with the young girl.

"Wish I could say the same." Kora sneered. 

"You have something we cannot let get out. Unfortunately for you, there is only one way to prevent that." General Grievous reached into his cloak and pulled out Kora's lightsaber. Her heart started racing as he ignited the saber letting out the bright blue blade. "You are going to die by your own weapon, as should all Jedi, and it's going to be long and painful." 

Kora knew there was no point in protesting. The plasmic blade got closer and closer to her face and soon the heat was causing pain on her skin. Kora felt tears watering in her eyes but she would not allow herself to cry, not in front of this monster. 

Suddenly, red lights and a loud alarm rang through the room. As Grievous moved his arm slightly, the tip of the saber cut into Kora's cheek bone. The sob she had managed to choke back had finally escaped her lips. 

Kora brought her trembling fingers to her face and winced as her fingers grazed the wound. Her head was pounding and she felt as if her face was on fire. 

Grievous placed the lightsaber on the table nearby and addressed the guards. "What is going on?!"

"The new Jedi prisoner has escaped, sir." 

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