Chapter 34: Training Limits

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KORA DASHED THROUGH THE ECHOING HALLS OF THE JEDI TEMPLE, HER QUICK STEPS MATCHING ANAKIN SKYWALKER'S BESIDE HER. It felt like only moments ago they were wrapped up in the beauty of a Coruscant sunset, but now they were on a mission, hurrying to their padawans' training evaluations.

The temple corridors were alive with the soft hum of activity, shadows dancing along the walls as they moved. Kora's heart raced with a mix of excitement and nervousness, her gaze darting to Anakin every so often, finding comfort in his presence. She still found it incredible that they were together -- like some sort of dream she never wanted to wake up from.

Their footsteps reverberated off the smooth stone floors, a steady rhythm punctuating the urgency because of their lateness.

A few Jedi, their robes billowing behind them, cast curious glances at Kora and Anakin as they hurried through the vast corridors. The puzzled expressions on their faces hinted at their unspoken questions, their eyes lingering for a moment before they continued on their way. In a place where peace and serenity were cherished above all else, the sight of Kora and Anakin in a rush seemed out of place, a jarring contrast to the tranquility that was usually in the temple.

Finally, they arrived at the designated location and paused outside the door, their chests rising and falling as they tried to catch their breath. Kora shot Anakin a pointed look, her hair slightly disheveled from their sprint through the corridors. With a quick gesture, she smoothed down a few stray strands, her movements precise as she tried to regain her composure. Anakin ran a hand through his own hair, the tousled strands falling back into place with a sigh.

"I forgot how much I hated running," she muttered, a hint of annoyance in her voice.

He chuckled, pressing the buttons to activate the door and allowing the duo to enter inside as gracefully as ever.

As Kora stepped into the room, the air crackled with the sound of blasters firing and the distinct whoosh of lightsabers slicing through the air. The chaotic symphony of combat filled her senses, a reminder of the constant training and preparation that defined life as a Jedi.

But amid the flurry of activity, what caught her attention most were the piercing gazes of several Jedi Masters, their eyes fixed on Kora and Anakin with a mixture of scrutiny and judgment. Among them, Mace Windu stood out, his stare cutting through the air like a lightsaber through durasteel. Kora knew all too well that he had little patience for tardiness or inefficiency, and his disapproving glare only intensified the pressure weighing on her shoulders.

In the corner of the room, Depa Billaba stood with her padawan, observing the evaluation with a calm yet watchful expression. Kora's gaze lingered on the pair for a moment, her mind swirling with the rumors and whispers that surrounded Master Billaba. Tales of her past deeds, both heroic and controversial, had circulated among the Jedi for years. Some spoke of her rumored fall to the dark side, a journey into shadow from which she had supposedly returned to the light.

It's a very uncommon story amongst the Jedi for such a thing to happen.

As Kora's gaze swept across the training room, she honed in on the flurry of activity at its center. There, amidst a whirlwind of lightsaber clashes and blaster bolts, her padawan Cal stood resolute. A swarm of puny probe droids buzzed around him like angry insects, their blasters firing relentlessly as they sought to overwhelm him.

Kora didn't know how long Cal's been at his, but she sensed he hadn't even broken a sweat yet. These remotes seemed much too simple for the way she's been training him.

Standing at Cal's side was Tera Sinube, his weathered face a mask of serene concentration as he observed the young Jedi's every move.

The shielded ray circle around him only tightened his area to work with as he dodged and blocked all blaster fire. Kora could tell he was completely in tune with the Force and his surroundings, using the techniques they'd talked about in the past.

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⏰ Última atualização: Apr 23 ⏰

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