Chapter 10: The New War

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KORA KNIGHT WAS CALLED to the courtyard the very next morning. Apparently, it was the informal initiation for all-new Jedi Knights. Of course, they had all been knighted separately and had a proper ceremony, but this was just a commencement speech. 

The sun shone brightly above their heads as Kora used her hand to shield the sunlight from her eyes. Now with her vision slowly adjusting to the light, she was finally able to see who else stood around her.

The Jedi Masters stood under the Great Tree, using it as shade. In the very back were Padawans. She could now recall this moment from when she was looking at the newly knighted Jedi and was proud of herself for making it so far. 

She saw D'urban Wen-Hurd, a Tholotian. She was most notable for her use in twin shoto blades. To Kora's left were Keep Stenwyt, Olana Choin, and many others. To her right, Kora noticed Anakin Skywalker was also present. She was slightly surprised to see that he too had been made a Jedi Knight. It wasn't that he lacked skill or anything, she was just not expecting it. 

Across the courtyard were the mentors, aka the ex-padawan's Masters. Jaro Tapal, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Prong Krell, Aayla Secura, and others she wasn't very familiar with. But of course, Master Plo Koon was there as well. 

Kora couldn't see his face, but she'd hope that he was smiling or at least somewhat happy for her. 

Despite the Jedi teachings, Kora has always felt attached to her old Master and she wondered if he felt the same. Attachments were such an easy thing to form for Kora. If anything, she's had trouble trying not to form any. 

But anyway, she sent him a small smile in return. 

Kora turned her head to her right and immediately noticed Anakin toying with his new cybernetic arm. She remembers how he told her he despised the thing and it made him feel weak, but she had thought he'd forgotten about it after Kora told him it made him look brave. 

Guess not.

She scooted a few inches closer to him, just able to whisper something only he'd hear. "Congrats on being knighted, sand boy." Kora put a smirk on her lips, in hopes of lighting up his mood. 

Anakin slightly jumped, as if he was just taken out of a deep thought and didn't expect anyone to scare him. His shoulders relaxed upon seeing it was just Kora, though. He too was surprised to see her there. "I could say the same to you, Coral." 

Even though he brought up the annoying nickname again, Kora was happy to see that his frustrated look left his face. His eyebrows were no longer crunched together and his frown became neutral. Kora even swore she was a hint of a smile for a second. 

"So who do you think will give the big speech today? I'm just hoping it's not Master Yoda because that man is full of metaphors and sentences that barely make sense." Kora added on with a light chuckle. 

"I'm just hoping it's not Master Windu. He definitely has something against me," Anakin sighed, exasperatedly.

"I wonder why," she mused, earning her a light elbow shove from the boy. 

Anakin let his jaw drop in a playful manner. "Alright. If Master Yoda is doing the speech, you owe me ten credits. If it's Master Windu, I owe you ten." 

Kora pretended to think about it for a moment when in reality she was already set on accepting the deal. She knew that it was most likely for Mace to be the one talking, since he did so almost every year. It was clear to her now that Anakin must have never attended these before, making this his very first time. This event was not mandatory to all Padawans meaning he could have skipped them all in the past. 

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