Chapter 6: The Arena

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NOISE. That was the first thing Kora noticed while entering the arena: the noise of the audience. No, the cheers of the audience. The crowd was going feral over their appearance and it made Kora feel uneasy. Everything about this made her feel uneasy.

She turned her focus to the center of the arena. There were a total of four long pillars with a figure standing right in front of one. They were too far away to tell.

The carriage pulling both Anakin and Kora made a dramatic loop around the arena as if to show them off to the audience. Kora hated being looked at like prey, waiting to be killed. She subtly turned her head downwards to avoid people's wandering eyes.

Once the carriage made its way closer to the four pillars, Kora was able to determine who the strange figure was; it was none other than Master Obi-Wan Kenobi. This must be what the droid had been talking about earlier.

How were they planning on executing them, though? Blaster to the head? Making them bleed out? The possibilities were endless and none of them were appealing.

Obi-Wan stared at the two with an expression of disbelief. He had strickly told Anakin to return to Coruscant no matter what happens. Obviously, he didn't listen and had both endangered himself and Kora.

Anakin gave his master a side glance, knowing he was disappointed. He tried to muster up whatever excuse that would save him from being reprimanded but nothing was coming to mind.

The Geonosian driving the carriage roughly shoved Kora off the transport and led her to a pillar. She brought her hands up to her hair, pretending to itch an area, but instead pulled out a pin holding a small braid together. She brought the pin into her mouth and opened it using her teeth. While Kora began putting together a plan of escape, or rather survival, the other two started talking to each other. She didn't pay much attention to them, though.

"I see you managed to get Kora out of the ship." Obi-Wan began.

"I was going to get her to Coruscant but we saw you being captured so we decided to rescue you," Anakin responded.

Obi-Wan glanced at the chains holding both his and Kora's hands together. Somehow, Anakin had failed to rescue both him and Kora. "Good job!"

The young padawan rolled his eyes and scoffed. What he had been tasked to do was a lot harder than it seems and he did a pretty good job...until a few hours ago.

As Count Dooku entered the arena, the crowd had only gotten louder. Kora had heard stories of the fallen Jedi, but she had also been told he wasn't a murderer. Seems like that was false. The Geonosian next to him wore golden jewelry armor, probably making him the leader of Geonosis. Alongside him were the Trade Federation slugs who had attacked Naboo ten years ago. Kora had also heard of a small boy who had single-handedly taken out an entire command ship. The Mandalorian was now helmet-less and a small boy stood next to him. Kora had no respect for anyone standing on the balcony for they were all murderers.

Suddenly, three of the gates began to open.

Out of the first one came an adult Reek. They were large, muscular quadrupeds native to the planet Ylesia. Kora's read a lot about them in her free time. She also knew that they were easy to manipulate through the force.

Next came out a green acklay. Now those were incredibly dangerous for they had sharp teeth and deadly claws. However, what worried Kora was that she didn't know much about them, meaning she didn't know their weaknesses.

And last was a nexu. They were predatory creatures that lived for the hunt. With four eyes, its vision was almost flawless and its strong legs helped carry the animal swiftly.

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