Chapter 2: Council Discussions

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PLO KOON ATTEMPTED TO CONTACT KORA, but the Separatists were blocking their transmissions. He had managed to escape the droids but overheard them talking about ambushing the Jedi at their ship. He felt immediate panic for he knew that was where Kora was headed. He knew Kora had the information now which most likely meant Elioni was dead.

Plo felt like he failed his padawan just as he failed the Republic. All they had to do was retrieve information and he had failed. Now, he's lost his padawan and the Republic is no closer to finding the Sith than they were yesterday.

He was scouting the surrounding areas to the ship. It was quiet...too quiet. He noticed the engines were left on and he remembers perfectly having turned them off. Kora must have made it to the ship before she was taken. But taken where?

Plo didn't sense any other movement near him which meant the Separatists have all left. He could take the ship back to Coruscant and inform the council of the situation. He finished the starting up sequence and flew out into the planet's atmosphere. Setting in a course for Coruscant, he pulled down the hyperspace lever and sent the ship into lightspeed.

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"Welcome back Master Plo." The Jedi Temple guards greeted him. He was in a hurry so he couldn't stop for conversation. Plo continued up the steps and gave them a slight nod. There was no time to waste. Every second he spent here, his padawan would most likely be tortured or harmed. He knew the Jedi could not form attachments but he's grown rather fond of Kora over the years.

Plo Koon got into the elevator and checked the time. Since he was a member of the council, he knew the exact times everyone else would be present. Now was one of those times.

Stepping out of the lift, he swiftly made his way to the doors and continued forward as they opened for him. "Master Plo Koon, this is unexpected. We thought you were still on Corellia since we've received no word from you." Jedi Master Mace Windu said.

"Our trip was cut short. I have urgent information." Plo explained.

The council took a moment to look at each other in curiosity. Could this be the moment they've all been waiting for? "Go on." Windu urged.

"Our anonymous tip was valid after all. He began telling both my padawan and I the information but were soon cut off by Separatist battle droids." Plo started. "I fended off as many as I could and told Kora to take our informer to the ship. There we would debrief him. I'm not exactly sure what happened next but what I do know is that the man was killed and told Kora all the information. The Separatists seemed to have known that and captured Kora."

"Disturbing, this is." Master Yoda spoke out. "Let the information go to waste, we cannot."

Plo wanted to remind them of Kora's life at stake but the information is more important right now. "I agree. After retaining the ship, I came here as soon as possible to see what our next step should be."

"And you're sure this informer was telling the truth? How can we be sure it was truly about the Sith and not some Separatist ploy?" Windu questioned. He was clearly not fond of this idea.

"Surely there's a way to rescue the young Padawan." Master Obi-Wan Kenobi voiced. "If the informer was telling the truth, this could be our chance to end the Sith once and for all."

"Hm, discuss this, the council will."

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