Chapter 16: Undercover

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THE SHIP WAS BIG. A lot bigger than Kora thought it would be. The second she and Anakin stepped aboard, they both shared annoyed looks. Big ships don't make the mission impossible, they just make it tedious. At least if they do get discovered, it'll be harder for the droids to find them. It'll be like a game of Hide and Seek.

The room was crowded with Senators and their aids so Cal and Ahsoka did not look out of place. The two of them were walking right behind their masters, heads low.

Since this was an overnight negotiation, each Senator would be accustomed to their own rooms. This was, yet again, another pro of posing as a married couple. Anakin and Kora would not be separated and neither would their Padawans.

Anakin opened the door to the shared room and held it open for the rest to pass through. Kora was inspecting the holopads a protocol droid had given her. Apparently, it would alert her of any meetings or meal times.

There were Senators staying in the rooms next to them so they'd have to whisper practically the entire time.

Cal and Ahsoka took off their cloaks and laid them on the bed. The ginger spoke first, "So what's next, Master?"

"According to this," she gestured to the holopad in her hands, "the next official meeting is at 0300. We have until then to figure out where Senator Amidala is and get her out." Kora brought up a map of the entire ship. The holopad had it just in case the Senators got lost. "The cell blocks are obviously redacted on the map, but we can assume they're the furthest distance from where the negotiations are taking place. The basement is a good start."

She continued speaking, "We have until 0300 because if they notice we're not at the meetings, surely someone will come looking for us and the excuse of being lost won't work this time."

Anakin placed his hands on his hips, impressed. "Wow, you've thought this all out haven't you?"

Kora took the compliment and slightly smirked, "Because I knew you wouldn't."

Ahsoka folded her arms and glanced up at her master with a playful expression, "I'm sure Skyguy did his best."

Cal chuckled softly as if trying to hold in his laughter. As younglings, they're taught to always take everything seriously, especially missions. But Cal was now with probably the two most unserious Jedi in the entire Order and it was surely a strange feeling for him. He wasn't sure if he was allowed to laugh.

Kora sensed Cal's unease almost immediately. The teachings of the Jedi Order are tough to break out of, but soon Cal will become his own person and not some shell of a Jedi. It'll just take some time, that's all.

"So Cal, how about you and I do some recon?" Kora wanted to take every opportunity available to get to know her new Padawan.

His eyes lit up with a hint of excitement, "Sure!"

After what happened earlier with all the prolonged stares and such, Kora thought that it'd be best to separate herself from Anakin for a bit. She could feel herself drifting off someplace she wasn't allowed to go to, so she'll keep her distance until the feeling passes.

Together, the two of them exited the room and casually strolled around the ship as if they were meant to be there.

The halls were mostly empty, occasionally a battle droid or two would be walking around just to make sure everything was in check. For Cal, it was hard not to be scared around the droids, but Kora was there to calm his nerves.

"How has the transition from youngling to padawan been? I know it's been crazy recently and everything seems so chaotic but it'll get better, I promise," Kora started the conversation. She wanted to get more of an insight into Cal's feelings.

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