Chapter 18: Detective Kora

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AS SOON AS THE TEAM OF FIVE MADE IT TO CORUSCANT, Kora and Cal bounced. She promised herself that she'd put distance between Anakin and herself, so what better way to do that than to train a Padawan?

However, it was easier said than done. She had to give the Council their mission report and alert them of everything that happened during the past few days. She also had to deliver Padmé back to where she belonged, plus get something to eat.

It was safe to say that her to-do list was completely full.

So, a few long hours later when everything on her list was done, she could finally start her duty as Cals' Master. 

Kora sat in front of her Padawan with her legs crossed. It had been an exhausting day so a bit of meditation would be nice. She gestured for him to do the same. 

The two of them were in the courtyard by the Great Tree. She always found this location peaceful for it was the only tree left on Coruscant. Everything on this planet was material made and fake, except this tree. The tree radiated living energy and it fueled Kora- as it does many Jedi. 

"Listen to the way the winds ruffle the leaves," Kora urged the redheaded boy. "Feel the Force flow through every single of its branches- like it does us. In these moments of war and constant action, it's important for us to draw back to peacefulness as much as possible. Allow this feeling to drive your actions; to make you feel whole again."

Cal took every single of his Master's words to heart. He took in a deep breath and calmed himself. It was true- after having completed his very first mission, he frequently found himself on edge. Cal had to learn how to quiet down his mind. 

"Focus on the feeling of the sun on your skin, feel its comfort," Kora continued, "Pay attention to the noises around you; the chatter of the Temple from within its walls. Everything in the environment around us is connected through the Force."

"When I was a Padawan, Master Plo would take me to this exact spot whenever I would get too overstimulated. He knew that this was the only way I'd learn how to relax, and he was right," Kora shared some insight from her past. "Since we will be spending a lot more time out in the field, it's important for you to know how to settle your nerves."

"This process is different for everyone," Kora added, "For me, it's this location. For Master Plo, it was reading. Try to work on finding your own method."

Cal nodded apprehensively and went deep into thought. He's only been a Padawan for a few days, but he's already had the rollercoaster of his life. He was observant and took note of every action Kora did because he wanted to learn them all. It would be a long and tedious process, but he's willing to be patient.

The redheaded boy dropped his shoulders to relax even further. He thought about Ahsoka as well. She's only been a Padawan for almost as long as him, yet she was pretty advanced already. There was a little bit of doubt in the back of Cal's mind. Would he be able to learn as quickly as Ahsoka was? As all the other Padawans are? 

When he was a youngling, it always took Cal longer to learn than the others. Lessons needed to be repeated to him for them to stick in his mind. Some younglings had made fun of him and many Masters lost patience; was Kora going to be any different? 

Kora peeked her eyes slightly open. She felt a sudden shift in the Force surrounding her Padawan- as if something was worrying him. "Is everything alright?" she asked with a gentle tone.

Without opening his eyes, Cal let out a sharp exhale. He tried to be as connected to the Force as possible; allowing it to calm his nerves. "Master, were you ever a slow learner?"

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