Chapter 13: False Surrenders

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 THE BATTLE WAS NOT LOOKING ANY BETTER. The cannons kept firing at the shield and the droid army kept advancing. Nothing seemed to be working. At this rate, the Separatists would win in no time.

The shield was invincible. Nothing they threw at it could penetrate it.

"That shield is certainly putting a crimp in my day," Obi-Wan lowered his scopes from his eyes and sighed. Kora was standing right beside him, blocking any incoming shots. She exasperatedly nodded.

"It's no use, Obi-Wan! Our cannons are at full power and nothing is working," Kora had to raise her voice to be heard over the loud noises everywhere. She extended her arm and blocked a shot from hitting Aim. He gave her a thankful nod.

"Alright," Obi-Wan gave in, "It was worth a try. Tell the men to fall back!"

Kora didn't like feeling helpless, but she didn't know what to do. Their only hope now was Anakin and Ahsoka, and even their plan was absurd. But maybe that's exactly what they needed; an absurd plan. "Obi-Wan, instead of running away from the shield, why don't we let it come to us? At least inside the shield, they're unprotected and we can put our cannons to good use."

The general gave a deep thought about it and realized Kora did have a point. The Separatists would simply expect them to keep pushing back instead of going inside their territory. "Good idea."

Both Kora and Obi-Wan stationed their teams in hidden areas so the droid army would simply pass in front of them. Kora tried to stay as still as possible, even though she knew the Separatists would not be able to see her from her position. She was simply paranoid.

Kora knew the shield had passed over them once she felt a surge of energy and saw a red-like tint cloud her vision. With a deep breath, she ignited her lightsaber and once more prepared for battle. 

It seemed like a never-ending cycle these days.

Kora summoned the force and allowed it to push her into a strong jump. With the short moments, she was airborne, Kora aimed toward the spider droids. Her priority was to take out any major threat and leave the B1-Battle droids to her clone battalion. 

While on top of the spider droid, she looked around for Obi-Wan and realized he was nowhere to be seen. Shoving her blade into the droid, she hopped off and watched it tumble to the ground. 

Regrouping with Aim and Rex, she asked, "Do any of you know what Obi-Wan's plan is? He didn't say anything to me."

"No, sir," Rex replied before noticing the Separatists were gaining on them again. "We have to fall back!" 

Nothing wants to go according to plan these days, Kora mentally retorted. She only hopes Obi-Wan isn't in any sort of trouble. 

The few remaining clones and Kora were backed into a building- exactly what Kora did not want to happen. She walked to the back wall and quickly thought of a plan. Surely within moments the droids would enter the building and either kill or capture them all. Kora was not going to let that happen.

She pushed her lightsaber into the wall and began to form a large circle. Since they could not use the front exit, Kora would make her own back exit. Once the hole was made, she called over the troops. "Aim! Rex! Over here!" 

Almost as fast as lightning, the twelve soldiers were by her side in an instant. Aim looked down at the carved-out piece of wall laying on the floor, "Good idea, General!"

Not wanting to waste any more time, Kora allowed the clones to exit before her. Once everyone was out, she hastily went into the hole and out of the building. She was glad to see the clones didn't wait for her and began running toward the 212th. If something had delayed Kora, she wouldn't have wanted for them to get caught as well. 

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