Chapter 7: The Revealed Truth

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AS THE CANNONS FIRED at the Separatist starships, it left a dark storm of sand in the air making it hard to see anything. Kora squinted her eyes, trying her very hardest not to get any sand in them. She even put a hand up to use as a shield. "How can the pilots see anything?!" She wondered.

Anakin chuckled at her comment. His mood was definitely lightening up from before. "They have eyes." Kora rolled her eyes.

Obi-Wan, totally ignoring his padawan's comment, replied to Kora. "The ships have radars and I suppose they have been trained for conditions such as these." He had to raise his voice a little because of all the noise surrounding them.

That makes sense, Kora thought.

As the ship continued forward, the storm of sand slowly began leaving the air making it easier to see. Kora lowered her hand from her face. 

"Look over there!" Master Kenobi pointed with his unactivated lightsaber into the distance. Kora immediately looked in the direction he was pointing and found something very strange. It was a man riding a single-person bike in the middle of the battle. She forced her eyes to focus since she wasn't understanding the full picture. After a few seconds, Kora realized that it was Count Dooku on the bike. He was escaping the battle. 

"Coward," Kora mumbled to herself. 

"It's Dooku!" Anakin realized as well, "Shoot him down!"

The pilot turned his head, "We're out of rockets, sir."

"Follow him!" Kora commanded. They were not just about to let a sith lord out of their sights that easily. "We should call for reinforcements though!"

"There's no time! The three of us can do this." Obi-Wan said.

Kora knew that the three of them together could hold off against Dooku for a while, but she wasn't sure if all of them would make it out alive. If the stories about sith lords were true, then they have to be very cautious about how they handle this situation. "That doesn't mean we can't call for help while stalling Dooku."

"She's right." Anakin agreed. Kora was momentarily shocked that Anakin would ever dare agree with her, but right now was not the time for a witty comment. 

"Very well." Obi-Wan nodded. "Pilot, please contact reinforcements! In the meantime, the three of us will handle this."

Kora did wish that she knew the pilot's name so they could stop referring to him as 'pilot', though. She wouldn't want someone calling her 'padawan' all the time. 

The two ships flying next to Dooku's bike took off, leaving just him. Kora felt better about herself now because the sith had no backup while she did. She wanted to make him pay for all the shit she's had to deal with the past few days.

Suddenly, the gunship began to shake. Dooku's ships were now shooting at them. Kora groaned as she had just jinxed herself.  The gunship began moving roughly from side to side in an attempt to not get hit. Kora's grip on the handle tightened.

The ship hit a hill of sand causing a trooper to lose his balance. Kora reached her hand out and tried to stop him from falling. She grasped onto his arm but couldn't regain balance. The turbulence sent the trooper flying out of the ship with her forcefully following. 

Her body roughly made contact with the burning sand as she tumbled down the dune. The bloody clothing piece holding her injured arm had fallen off and flew away with the wind. Now, the sand was ingrained in wounds, stinging like hellfire. Slowly, Kora began to get up. She wondered if the ship was coming back to get both her and the trooper but then realized it was a dumb thought. Obi-Wan and Anakin had a job to do and it wasn't to pick the sand off her arm. She was alive and that was enough. 

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