Chapter 19: Confessions

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KORA AWOKE THE NEXT DAY with a strong sense of exhaustion. She had spent the entire night in the library researching everything the Archives had about Force Lightning. A few weeks ago, she had learned that it was no longer practice, but that didn't stop her curiosity. All she knew was that since Dooku had mastered it, she needed a good defense against it. 

She slowly got out her bed and changed into her Jedi Robes. She decided to leave her short hair down knowing there probably won't be much action during the day. Speaking about action, Kora has no idea when her next assignment will be, and much less who it will include.

Kora wanted to work with the clones again. She's only been on one mission with her Battalion since they didn't tag along to rescue Senator Amidala. She misses their company quite a lot. 

She put on her comlink and turned it on, seeing a message from Cal. Kora read through it carefully and thought of a reply. He was wondering when their next training session would be. "If there aren't any interruptions for today, then meet me at the saber dojo at 0600," she voice-recorded a response. 

Kora continued to stretch her arms from their sleepy state and made her way to the exit. 

Right as she opened her door, she was met with a tall and broad figure standing on the other side. His hand was up as if about to knock on the door. He stumbled back in surprise at the sudden movement. 

Kora was also surprised, "Anakin, what are you doing here?"

He put his hand down awkwardly and let out a chuckle, "I was just, um-"

She thought of a better question, "How long have you been standing there?"

"Not for long, I was just trying to figure out what to say," Anakin began, then he stopped realizing it sounded creepy. "Not that I've been stalking you or anything-"

"How do you know where my quarters are?" she asked yet another question, perplexed. Kora couldn't think of a single reason as to why he should be standing right in front of her, especially after their recent tension. 

Anakin does not budge from his position, "I didn't see you yesterday after you left in a haste, didn't know if I should be worried or not." 

Truth be told, Kora has not left his mind ever since the accidental kiss. Well, no, that's a lie. Kora has not left this mind ever since the day they met. At first, he thought it was simply a sign of friendship, but it feels stronger than that. Anakin was confused. He was always one to become attached to people way too easily and wanted to clear things up. "I wanted to talk about the kiss actually."

Kora's shoulders dropped as she let out a sigh. She shook her head while trying to get past him and out the door. "Not right now," since Anakin's build was a lot bigger and stronger than hers, she did not succeed. "Please let me go, Anakin."

"Yes now, or you'll just run away again," he sternly replied. Kora looked offended and tried to speak, but he didn't allow her. "No, my turn. Can I come in?"

Her jaw tightened, but she nodded in defeat. "You'll end up running me over if I say no anyways, might as well not waste any time." She moved to the side and let him pass.

This was the first time Anakin's ever been inside Kora's room. The place itself was very put together and tidy, the complete opposite of Anakin's. He immediately noticed BD-1 sitting on her desk, occupying the charging station. He was very glad she liked the handmade gift. Besides that, Kora's room was very plain- unlike his own. 

He leaned up against the table and Kora sat at the edge of her bed. She was fearing the upcoming conversation and wanted it to be over already. 

Anakin could sense the high levels of anxiety pouring out of the girl but that didn't stop him from saying, "Ever since the kiss, you haven't once looked me in the eye. Why?"

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