Chapter 14: Eye in the Storm

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KORA WAS AT THE TEMPLE, DOING NOTHING. She knew that the war was everywhere and Jedi were risking their lives every day, but there she was- doing nothing. She was in the eye of the storm. The calm. 

And she hated it.

She hated sitting around knowing she could be out fighting against the droids. She hated sleeping on her comfortable bed knowing people were sleeping on dirty grounds. She hated eating full meals when others were starving. And she hated not being able to do anything about it.

She constantly asks the Jedi Council for an assignment, but they always tell her there's something planned. But what? They won't say. Kora has direct orders to stay in the Temple because apparently, another very important mission is on the horizon.

But why can't she do a quick mission and be back in time for whatever they have planned?

Being back at the Temple meant she had no one to talk to. No clones, no friends, no Anakin.

 It was just her, and she felt lonely. 

Kora spent all day in the training room. She believed that there's always room for growth, especially when it comes to her lightsaber skills. Then she ventured to the meditation room in order to calm her mind. So much has been going on recently that maybe it's a good idea to slow her pace a little bit.

Kora spent about ten minutes trying to relax, but nothing was working. She frustratedly huffed out of her seated position and decided to go for a walk. Coruscant's skyline was beautiful during the day. The sun's reflection lit up the city perfectly and all kinds of ships soared above. Sometimes, she even liked to guess what a certain ship was doing on Coruscant. Business? Smuggling? She didn't know.

Suddenly something beeped in her pocket. Kora immediately knew that someone was trying to call her using their holo-transmitter. The only people that would do that is the Council. 

Could this be it? Kora mentally asked. Could I finally have my assignment and get out of this place?

She pressed on the blinking button and almost instantly, an image of Master Windu appeared. "Kora, there's something Master Yoda and I would like to speak with you about."

Curiosity spiked through her. He sounded very serious (but he always does) and monotonous. But, there was also a hint of pride in his voice. Kora was thoroughly confused. Without hesitation, she replied, "I'll be on my way, Master."

Kora hastened her step, not wanting to leave her Masters waiting. 

Once she was at the council chambers, she walked in immediately. Master Windu had seemed serious about something and she didn't want to waste time knocking on the door or calming her anxieties. 

"Knight, welcome," Windu greeted her first, bowing his head in respect. Kora copied his actions. She decided not to say anything and simply let them explain first.

Yoda walked up to her slowly, relying on his cane to move. "Hm, enjoying time away from war, are you?"

Kora was thrown off by the question. Was this the urgent topic he had to speak with her about? "It's...comfortable." That was exactly the problem, it was too comfortable. 

"Yes, yes. Comfortable," Master Yoda stopped right in front of her and stared into Kora's eyes. The girl shifted awkwardly. She wasn't sure what Yoda was getting at. "How feel you?"

Kora tilted her head, confused. "I'm not quite sure I understand, Master." She felt like this was a test, but for what exactly? 

"Comfortable, you like?" he asked, paraphrasing his question. 

our broken promises ~ a.skywalkerΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα