Chapter 26: A Politician's Word

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HAVING A GUT FEELING IS LIKE AN UNSPOKEN INTUITION THAT RISES FROM THE DEPTHS OF YOUR BEING, a silent messenger conveying insights beyond the reach of conscious thought. It's that inexplicable sense of knowing that bypasses logic and reasoning, tapping into a wellspring of experience, emotions, and subtle cues. Imagine it as a gentle nudge or a faint whisper from within, guiding you in a particular direction even when you can't quite put your finger on why. It's a sensation that tugs at your awareness, urging you to pay attention to something without the need for concrete evidence or overt signals.

Having a gut feeling is like having an internal compass, a compass that points us toward uncharted territories, hidden truths, and unforeseen possibilities, all while bypassing the confines of logic and analysis. It's a reminder that sometimes, the most profound insights emerge not from conscious deliberation, but from the mysterious depths of our own being.

For Kora, her gut was pointing her toward the Senate Building. It was as if her very core recognized a subtle disturbance in the Force, a disturbance that defied concrete explanation yet demanded her attention with a sense of urgency. She lacked the tangible evidence to support her inclinations, her suspicions rooted in the realm of the unspoken and the unseen. But there was an undeniable magnetic pull, an invisible thread connecting her to the Senate. Something, no, someone was amiss there.

But who? That was the puzzle that demanded her attention, the enigma she needed to unravel.

When Kora got up from her bed, ready to start her day, the only thing her eyes were drawn to was the mess on the floor. Her used pillow and blanket laid disorderly, a stark reminder of who had slept there last night.

Anakin had told her he'd be departing early for another mission, which she found logical. Yet, a subtle pang of disappointment lingered, a buried hope that he might have at least bid her farewell before leaving. Maybe he didn't want to wake her up? Or was he too ashamed of last night?

In the back of her mind, Kora thought it was rightfully so. He had been a drunk mess and caused her to practically strangle him back home. But on the other hand, part of her enjoyed all of last night — even the more stressful moments like carrying his body all the way back to the Temple and staying out of sight.

She realized, hesitantly, that nothing regarding Anakin Skywalker would ever be regretful in her opinion.

With a deep breath, Kora straightened her tangled bed and squared her shoulders. Today will be a long day, which will be taxing both mentally and physically. She's never cared for politicians or their politics, so purposely throwing herself into the Senate was not her idea of fun. She only cared to end this damned war and discover who the Sith Lord may be, no one -- nothing else could be on her mind.

But where to start? She could personally vouch for only one Senator, and that was Padmé Amidala. Kora was with Padmé last night and sensed no evil intent -- her being a Sith Lord was out of the question. So where else to go?

It wasn't like she could simply waltz into the Senate and speak to whomever she'd like, right?

Kora paused, retracing her thoughts. No, that's exactly what she'll do.

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As she stepped onto the Senate's platform, it was then that Kora realized she'd never been inside the building before. Her anxiety began to spike, knowing the chances of her getting lost were increasing by the second. Still, she continued forward. There was no time or place for cowardice right now.

Her steps echoed softly in the cavernous chamber as she ventured deeper into the heart of the Senate. The high, vaulted ceilings seemed to stretch toward infinity, adorned with intricate carvings and shimmering windows that bathed the hall in a soft, diffused light. Monumental statues of past dignitaries, heroes, and leaders lined the periphery, each one unique from the former.

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