Chapter 24: One's True Desire

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KORA KNIGHT STOOD IN THE SENATOR'S LUXURIOUS APARTMENT, her eyes trailing all around the grand estate, taking in the vast and glorious objects that belonged to Padmé Amidala. The apartment was a stunning display of luxury and elegance, meticulously designed with absurd attention to detail. Every piece of furniture and wall decoration seemed to have been carefully chosen to create an atmosphere of regal sophistication.

The living room exuded a sense of grace and refinement, with plush velvet sofas adorned with golden embroidery, their vibrant colors adding a touch of warmth to the otherwise pristine white interior. Intricately carved wooden tables stood as a testament to skilled craftsmanship, their surfaces adorned with delicate crystal vases filled with exotic flowers that filled the air with a sweet fragrance.

The apartment walls were adorned with grand tapestries depicting scenes from Naboo's rich history and culture. Each tapestry was a work of art in itself, with vibrant threads forming complex patterns and images that told stories of triumph, diplomacy, and the enduring spirit of the people. The tapestries shimmered under the soft glow of crystal chandeliers, casting a warm, ethereal light across the room.

Kora marveled at the furniture and wall decorations. As a Jedi, she had always been surrounded by simplicity and minimalism, focusing on detachment from material possessions. But deep down, she had always appreciated beauty and aesthetics, secretly longing for a touch of personal expression in her own living quarters. The Senator's apartment served as a vivid reminder of the elegance and luxury she had been deprived of in her Jedi training.

Though, Kora wouldn't verbally complain. She was happy as a Jedi and understood why she was taught to be minimalistic. Possession led to envy and jealousy.

Still, it would be nice to have something personal every now and then.

"Do you need any further help, Padmé?" the soft voice of Anakin Skywalker brought Kora's attention back to the present.

After the Malevolence debacle, the Chancellor, deeply concerned for Padmé's safety, urgently requested that Kora Knight and Anakin Skywalker escort the Senator back to her opulent apartment. Recognizing the gravity of the situation, the Chancellor believed that if the Separatists had gone to such lengths as staging a treaty to lure Padmé, they would stop at nothing to harm her. Thus, he issued a direct order for Skywalker and Knight to assume the roles of her temporary bodyguards, ensuring her protection at all costs.

Padmé had been heavily opposed to the idea. She did not need bodyguards as she could handle herself perfectly fine. However, Padmé was pleased to spend more time with Anakin and Kora away from the war, so she didn't reject the Chancellor's wishes.

Anakin's mood had changed drastically from what it was on the Malevolence. It was calmer now, more sincere. It was as though he were exhausted.

Kora then wondered if this was Anakin's first break since the war started. She'd been on Coruscant several times these past few months, but it seemed like Anakin hadn't. If she remembered correctly, this was only the second time she's seen him on a semi-prolonged stay on Coruscant since the war started.

Was the Council overworking him? How many campaigns and assignments has he been on already? Yes, this is a war but the Jedi are not trained to be soldiers. Everyone needs breaks.

"No, that will not be necessary. It is late at night and I'm sure you two would much rather be somewhere else," Padmé began unclipping her hair from the complex style it had been in all day, walking into her living room. "Dormé will be here soon."

Kora furrowed her brows. Who was Dormé?

Anakin folded his arms, unconvinced. "We can wait here until she arrives. It's the least we can do." He looked like he was seconds away from collapsing on the floor.

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