no name

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"so they, are all my cheap father children." tashika ask.

" yes my lord, because the madam doesn't like being dominated by other cultivators, so she rarely goes to them." even though yota felt uncomfortable that the master seem's to be calling his father in a disrespectful way, he still answers honestly.

"so that's the reason" tashika then started to think about what to do with the them.
but before he could decide, he heard yota continue on with his words.

they are also parentless too my lord. i have investgate and already and know that they can barely even eat a meal a day.
they don't even have name's.

"what!! name, how old are they."

my lord one is 2 years old the other is 3 years old and the last one is five years old.
upon hearing that tashika became speechless.
is their any parent who will not name their child. even children who are hated are given name's, although they are not pleasant.

even though tashika was surprise, but having siblings is still nice.
cultivating and reading  by myself vs having siblings to talk to and have fun, it doesn't sound that bad.
and as their elder brother, i song tashika promise to raise them  well.

tashika nodded at youta and signal him to bring him to them.

seeing tashika nodding, youta was very happy. young, master will finally have sibling, which is really great.' but,' if they dare to have any funny plans, i will kill them on sight."

outside in the training ground, is standing is 3 children. all three of them look malnurish with torn clothes on and messy hair.
they were even dirty and smelly.

the guards next to them, that are guarding couldn't help but frown. after all, to the cultivators in the song city, their master is like an immortal that descended to the mortal world.
but seeing three dirty children that are their masters siblings. the contrast between them is like heaven and earth.

the reason that they don't feel disgust for them is also because of their tashika.
tashika always told the cultivators within the clan to never look down on anyone. because if they do that they may make enemies or be killed on sight.
so all the cultivators within the clan and city, all took on a subconsiouse thinking to never underestimate an enemy or look down on them when they seem harmless.

when the three saw that the guards were frowning, they all tremble. even though they are all under the age of six, they have all, already seen the cruel world, so they knew when someone dislike them. even the youngest, who is 2 years old, has already started thinking of begging for mercy from the one who brought them here.

"is it them?, they don't look like the master siblings" some maids that were passing through wispered.
the three children heard what they are saying and was confuse.

they don't have siblings' they all thought.