secret realm

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dong li and wi feng couldn't stand their look's so they went to another corner. while dong li was throwing dagger gaze's at hashika.

but it looked like hashika just simply ignore his existance or simply forgot about him.

after a while the othe sect's desciples and elder went back to meditation or cultivating.

a week.

after a week the secrete realm finally open's. during this week dong li and wi feng split the 20 desciple's of their sect from hashika group. but hashika didn't care. while wi feng, li long, wixuan le and dong li where smirking at how they are in control of the other desciple's, the other sect's elder's and disciple's showed them distaine.

"doesn't these desciples of the sword sect know's that the one who is going to protect them is hashika?." one of the desciple of the duck sect ask the elder's.
"they are fool's, do they really think that just because they have two golden core cultivation that they will be okay in the secret realm". the elder shook his head with contempt.

when entering the secret realm hashika and the other sword sect desciple split up. hashika and the other elder's surpressess their cultivation to the foundation building stage.

after hashika done that, he took his brother's and desciple's into the secret realm.

when they appereared inside, the other desciple of the other sect are already scattered. but hashika and the other's went a different direction from where they are going.

hashika is going to take one of the protagonist golden finger, the space bracelet. inside of the space is like a whole knew world. 10 years of cultivation inside is one year of cultivation outside. and it speeds up your cultivation talent 10 times. even if your a wasted talent, once inside the bracelet you're cultivation would double, even the spiritual spring inside can bring back a person from the brink of death, or even triple that of your cultivation.

to hashika the reason why the protagonist with poor cultivation talent can ascend and become a celestial is because he always get's golden finger and beautiful women around him who always help him in double cultivation. even now when he is at foundation building first stage was beacause the second femal lead help him for saving her life. she  gave her breakthrough pill that her mother gave her so she can break throught to foudation building stage and  support her in the clan, so that her statues could raise from a concubine to main wife.

hashika sighed at that poor mother for having a stupid daughter that ruined her life. afterall being a concubine in a large family means that she is just a plaything without right's, meaning that if someone in the family just killed her caually the family and husband wouldn't care.

'that poor woman even sell her body to her husband's brother for a pill that any family member can buy. and her daughter just caually gives it away on her first meeting with the protagonist'. hashika thought as he and the other reach the place.