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- Sickness, not an alibi -

Byeong-Ho goes to y/n's room, worried that his sister hasn't come out of the room since yesterday. He gently knocks on her door and twists the knob.


He peeks inside and is confused seeing y/n is still under her cover sleeping. He enters the room and approaches her.


His hand automatically touches her forehead, assuming she has a fever. And he is right, her forehead feels hot. Y/n groans and opens her eyes by the touch.

"Noona do you want hot chocolate?"

She nods, closing her eyes back.

"okay, have some sleep. I'll bring some chicken noodle soup too."

He fixes the blanket and exits the room. He bumps into his mother on his way to the kitchen.

"mom, Noona caught a cold."

"Omo she is?? Then go make her hot chocolate!"

"on my way, but mom, I'm so confused. What happen yesterday??"

"I also don't know... She just suddenly locks herself in her room after coming home yesterday..."

"where did she go?? She wore a formal suit yesterday too..."

Mrs Yun also feels worried. Her daughter rarely associates with people. And for her to go out without explaining them just adds the worries. But she knows, her daughter is now an adult.

"maybe it's something we shouldn't interfere. Sometimes, we will face some difficulties that only ourselves can handle it. I know you're worried about your sister. Just support her from behind."

It can't be helped. Byeong-Ho just nods and quickly prepares a mug of hot chocolate. The doorbell suddenly rings. Mr Yun approaches the door and opens it revealing Heeseung.

"you're y/n's friend..."

"hello, Mr... I'm here to see y/n..."

Byeong-Ho and Mrs Yun approaches to the door. Byeong-Ho furrowed his eyebrows, suddenly having an unsettling vibe from the man at the door.

"I'm sorry but she's sick today. She can't attend whatever your business is."

Heeseung's eyebrows crashed.

"How did she suddenly get sick?? Or is she probably just faking it to not see me??"

"I see... May I visit her??"

"Noona doesn't like visitors during her sickness."

Byeong-Ho intercepted the conversation. Heeseung looks at Byeong-Ho and saw his serious eye on him. His gaze turns cold.

"I see... Tell her to get well soon."

He said, still looking at Byeong-Ho before bowing down and leaves. Byeong-Ho watches Heeseung entering his car and drives away.

"He's the guy who always picks up Noona... He looks so suspicious..."


He enters her room with a tray of foods. Y/n opens her eyes and slowly sits up.

"Byeong-Ho, is there a visitor?? I heard the doorbell..."

He halts for a second, contemplating whether to tell her or not. But the man gives him a bad vibe, he doesn't think it's good to inform y/n about his appearance.

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