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- Take the lid off something -

Heeseung is standing at the door of his bedroom, watching as y/n is rummaging through his room, looking here and there. He sighs, placing his hands in his pocket when y/n takes out a cigarette box from his jacket.

"Aha." She shakes the box at him and throws it inside the plastic trash she's holding.

"this is so annoying..."

"I'll just let you say whatever you want to. I'm still going to do this."

She sticks her hand under the bed and found a vape. She shows it at him and throws it inside the plastic bag, making sure Heeseung sees it.

"now that's settled."

"what am I suppose to do to relax myself now huh??"

His voice sounds rough, showing how pissed he is right now. Y/n walks up to him and takes out a piece of lollipop.

"here you go. I looked up to a book and it says a lollipop resembles a cigarette quite closely. It sounds stupid to me but it's kind of a good alternative. So suck this instead."

He silently takes the lollipop and y/n continues in cleaning his messy room again.

"and you should clean your room. At least just make the bed and put your laundry in the laundry basket." She said, looking at the pile of clothes right next to the laundry basket. Haih...

Heeseung just simply hums at each of her lectures.

"come and help me here!"

She called, waving her hand at him to come over. He lazily did, leaning away from the door frame and approaches her. Y/n nods and slams the laundry towards him. Heeseung was surprised and quickly catches all of the clothes before it hits the ground, stumbling in the process.

"take this to the washing machine please! I'll be there to start it."

She pats his shoulder and continues cleaning up the floor. Gosh does he wants to complain and yell at her so bad. He planned to play games with his friends today, but y/n surprisingly showed up at his door and is now ordering him around.

His mood is ruined but what can he do?? If he starts a fight, then a fight will occurs, worsening his mood. So he just forcefully drags himself to the washing room. He places the clothes inside the washing machine and stands up.

"what does she thinks I am, a kid?? I can use a washing machine like everyone could."

He scoffs bitterly and puts the soap detergent inside the soap section and starts the washing machine.

"Heeseung?? Oh, you did it??"

"hmm..." He hums shortly and walks past her. That is when y/n instantly realizes that she has belittled him just now.

"Aish y/n, why did you say that to him?! You shouldn't treat him like a kid!! I have to watch my words from now on."

She quickly comes back to his room and found him picking up the plastic trash and taking it out of the room.

"Heeseung i-"

She wanted to apologize but hesitates to, for she doesn't know how to voice it out. After a few minutes of cleaning, Heeseung noticed y/n has been quiet all of a sudden. Both of them finished cleaning his room and Heeseung tiredly flops himself on the bed.

"I will go make some juice for us." She thought of trying to cheer him up by giving him a drink.

"wait..." He halts her and sits up, raising his brows at her.

HEESEUNG FF - Pretendحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن