
898 35 13

- Effort, improve -

Y/n is currently studying in Heeseung's bedroom, on his bed to be specific, because the room doesn't have a study table.

"I'm tired..."

She leans away from her book and stretches her body. She has been humping and it's giving her a back pain. Not to mention how she just finished cleaning Heeseung's messy room.

She comes here rather more frequently than before. Mrs Lee reasoned that she wants her to be with Heeseung always before going back to the US. Heeseung would bring her to his bedroom and she always saw how messy his room was. Clothes all over the place, snack packaging and crumbs on the floor.

She scolded Heeseung about it but he doesn't seem to be affected by it. Thus she cleans the room for him, just to make herself comfortable to study in the room.

Today, the same thing happened, she cleaned the room and it drained her energy to study further. Heeseung would also leave her alone here. She assumes he's probably out with his friends or something.

She hears a knock on the door.

"come in!"

"you two, I have some cut fruits for you!" Mrs Lee opens the door and her smile slightly drops, looking around the room in search of Heeseung.

"where's Heeseung??"

"he went out..."

Y/n thought Mrs Lee is fully aware of Heeseung leaving her in his room every time she visits. But it seems like she's completely oblivious of it.

Mrs Lee gets furious. She slams the plate on the drawer beside her and storms away, leaving y/n flabbergasted.

"What's going on?? uh-oh..."

Mrs Lee reaches a room and slams the door open, startling the man inside. She marches towards the table and glares at her son angrily.

"what're you doing here?!!"

She yells, her last straw is about to snap. All this time, she thought Heeseung was with y/n, bonding or simply spending time with her.

She has hope that y/n can help her son to improve his personality or change him. She's sorely disappointed seeing her son neglecting his own girlfriend for his game.

"what??" Heeseung questioned, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Why are you gaming and leaving your girlfriend in your room alone like that?!"

"aish she told me she wanted to study! So I left the room to give her some space!!"

"Lee Heesung, why're you acting like this to her?!"

"what do you mean mom?? I'm respectfully giving her some privacy so she can study!!" Mrs Lee feels so disappointed. She shakes her head, leaving Heeseung in question irritatedly.


"Heeseung, all the time Olivia was with you, I'm in disbelief of how you could treat her this way... I'm surprised that she's still staying here with you..."

Mrs Lee knows y/n is busy, seeing her studying all the time. Yet she still came to visit every time Mrs Lee asked her to. She feels guilty for it but she's just desperate to get his son to snap out of it.

She exits the room and bumps into y/n who's standing right in front of the room.


Y/n looks into the gaming room, seeing Heeseung continuing playing the game even after getting scolded by Mrs Lee, as if nothing happened.

She heard everything and felt the need to do something about it, for she is also furious by his behavior. She walks inside the room, standing beside him. Heeseung turns to her, raising his eyebrows in confusion.

"what're you doing here??"

She bends down to him, grabbing his chair to make him face her. Heeseung was startled and y/n holds his face firmly, looking into his eyes seriously. Heeseung froze, stunned by her action.

"Heeseung, I wanna go out."

Both of them are now in Heeseung's car. The atmosphere is dead silent afterwards. Y/n sighs tiredly and speaks out.

"Heeseung, if you want your mother to believe that I'm your girlfriend, then put some effort into it."

Heeseung turns to her.

"If you're just informing you have a girlfriend and then go back to gaming and all won't make her believe you in the end you know..."

She sighs again, more sharply this time and tilts her head to the side in frustration.

"I can't even see that you want this to even continue! It's like you don't care! You just want to escape trouble and that's it! Heeseung, you know you can't do that!!"

She looks at him and he slowly looks down.

"look, I want to help you! I know you don't want to get married to Sasha and all! But I can't help you if you don't cooperate! It's already been misleading since the beginning. It cannot get any worse!"

He feels something in his chest at her words. Something he hasn't feel for a long time. It's unpleasantly ticklish. He doesn't know how but he kinda understand what she's saying sincerely. 

He even realizes how y/n is still with him despite being busy, all the treatment and the trouble she received from him and his family.

He feels guilty

"okay! Let's go somewhere." Y/n sighs and changes the topic. Heeseung turns to her, perplexed.

"let's go hangout, grab some drinks or something hmm??"

"weren't you studying??" She looks at him and puts her finger on his lips, freezing him in surprise.

"let's relax our mind with something. Gaming too much is bad for you." She smiles at him, giving him another weird feeling inside his chest.

"and you know what?? Let's show her!" She backs away, forming a fist with both of her hands.

"you're tired of her nagging right?? She always called you lazy, a kid and all!! Let's show her you're not who she thinks you are!! Let's shut her mouth hm??!"

He is stunned. He never expect her to say something like about his mother. She literally just takes those words out of his mouth. He has been feeling that way towards not only his mother, but also his father. She just literally voice out what his heart has been hiding all this time.

"She... Understands me??"

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