
910 35 9

- a long distance relationship? -


Y/n enters the car and greets Heeseung rather softly. Few days after that incident, things have slightly changed between y/n and Heeseung. Both of them have less fight and barely speak to each other.

"umm why'd you call??"


"ooh.. okay..."

Heeseung then drives off. Both of them have become awkward with each other. Y/n is afraid to initiate a conversation, fear that they will starts arguing. She wants to avoid such tension and stress at any cost from now on... Now that she has learned about Heeseung's background.

"mom said... She wants me and you to go on a trip with my father..."



"wait, a trip??" It took her a few moments to understand what he was saying. She turns to him, in request of an explanation. However, Heeseung remains silent and focuses on the road.

"trip to where?? And for how long??"

"to Daegu. Around a week or so..."


"I can't..." Said y/n.

"you have to... They already booked a flight for you..."

That made her curse under her breath. She leans on her seat, feeling saturated. Sometimes she thinks the Lee's are being way too pushy in her relationship with Heeseung.

These past few days Mrs Lee has been suggesting venues for their dates and has been calling y/n to be with Heeseung everyday even when she's actually busy with her studies.

Due to that, she has to bring her books and supplies to Heeseung's place to study.

"I seriously can't go." She firmly state. For someone else, it will be a pleasure to get such offer for dating the rich businessmen's son. But for y/n, she thinks it's enough... Way too much for her.

"whatever... Just try to talk to them or something..."

Another thing, Heeseung has not been forcing her anymore these days. Y/n sometimes finds it weird that he lets her make decisions instead.

"I should just tell them..."

"Tell them what??"

Curious and captivated, Heeseung thought that y/n might wanted to confess about their relationship to his parents.

"what're you gonna tell them??" He sounds serious. There were a few moments of silence.

"That I'm gonna return to the US in a week from now-"

The car suddenly stops, causing y/n to jolt to the front. Her face almost hit the windshield but then a big palm blocks her face. She quickly opens her eyes and backs away from the hand.

"ah- t-thank you..." She breathes heavily, her eyes stares at Heeseung's big hand that slowly retrieves to it's owner. She holds her chest.

"He protected me..."

"m-my bad... I didn't see the traffic..." Panick is visible in his face. Heeseung rustles his hair out of frustration.

"i-its okay..."

He starts driving once again.


"you're... Going back to the US??"

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