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- My reliever to share -

"where are you taking me??"

Heeseung asked, letting himself getting lead by y/n who hasn't stop walking. He realizes that both of them almost exiting the town. With no explanation, y/n just told him to follow her.

"Y/n." He called her again, after not receiving any reply.


"where are we going??"

"don't worry, we're almost there."

She reassures him, despite Heeseung not having any worry or suspicion. He grew to trust her. However, he is curious on where she is taking him, for he has never been this far from home.

"we go here"

She suddenly stops in front of a thick bushes. Heeseung looks up and sees a forest ahead of him. He eyes y/n, questioning.

"trust me"

"is it even safe to walk around bushes?? what if there's a snake??"

"trust me, there won't"

She holds her hand out to him and smiles. Heeseung looks at her hand and stares at it.

"you only live once..."

He shrugs and holds her hand. Both of them then walks into the forest, with y/n leading the way again. Heeseung notices a track below them, as if this is a road people used to use. Both of them then starts climbing a small hill.

"Are we there yet??"

He complains, hitting his arm where he just got bitten by a musquito. He feels slightly impatient now. And the fact that y/n hasn't spoken a word is slowly making him think twice about his decision.

"here we are!!"

She stops and turns to Heeseung with an excited smile. Heeseung furrowed his eyebrows and walks forward as y/n makes a way for him. He climbs the small hill, and his eyes meets a breathtaking view.

He stands up straight and froze at the sight of the city from up high. He looks around in astonishment.

"where are we??"

He hears y/n giggles from behind, before she makes her way to stand beside him.

"this is what I will call my hiding spot."

"Well, OUR hiding spot" she corrected herself and Heeseung questions.


"I meant me and my brother."


"sit down sit down!"

She urges him and sits down on the grass. Heeseung looks around the green grass and sits down.

"what is this place??" He asked again, wanting a brief explanation about this abandoned spot. He wonders if there's anyone else that visits this particular place.

"hmm where do I start..." She hums and taps her toes, arranging words in her mind.

"oh yeah, my brother, you know him right??" Heeseung hums.

"he was the first person to ever encounter this place. He was so young that day... I think he was 7 or something..."

"I remember that time, he was scolded by my dad and got very upset by it. He suddenly went missing hours later."

"I remember, feeling so scared because it was raining heavily. I found myself running around the neighborhood aimlessly, desperately to look for him..."

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