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Aether sighed. He didn't think it would be this hard helping Xiao with whatever was going on for the past couple of weeks. His stubbornness just made it worse. "You're right. I may not be able to understand what you're going through but I still wanna help you." The blonde boy looked at him with huge worry and concern in his eyes. He wanted to help out no matter what. No, he needed to help.

The Yaksha looked away while slowly grabbing onto his head, the injury was still there. And it hurt. No matter how many bandages were there it still was painful to deal with. The last he wanted to do was speak about what happened.

"Please, let me take a look at your head. I could help." Aether got up and moved behind the chair Xiao was sitting at.

"There isn't much in particular you can do about it anymore, let it heal on its own." The Adeptus was used to these kinds of wounds, the pain was nothing compared to the suffering he had to go through every day.

The traveler placed his hands on the bandages around his head and started unwrapping them. Xiao was confused about what he wanted to do, replace them maybe? No. there was no need for that yet. The blood hasn't completely taken over the bandages yet. They were holding up pretty well making sure the boy doesn't bleed out.

Before the Yaksha could think about what his companion could possibly be doing he was interrupted by some strange yellow glow surrounding him. It was something he had never seen before in his life.

Aether's hands were gripping his head right on the spot of the injury. Surprisingly it did not hurt at all. There was yellow light coming from the traveler's hands. It didn't seem like any kind of toxic light so the boy saw no issue with it and decided to stay still.

Soon enough after some minutes, the wound was gone and so was the pain that came with it. Like it never existed in the first place.

"There, that should do it." Aether happily said while going back to his seat.

The Adeptus was stunned. His head seemed perfectly fine as if he never even got hurt. He wanted to question the mortal before him on how he had done it. After all, he was aware no element of any region provided him with healing powers. But before he even opened his mouth the so-called mortal spoke.

"Let's keep this as our little secret, it might be a lot to ask for, but I hope I can trust you with this."

"Understood. your secret is safe with me, I'm not going to share it with anyone." Xiao gave it no thought, the traveler gave off the look as if he didn't wanna talk about it at the moment. The teal-ish-haired boy respected that. As curious as he was he didn't dare to ask.

"Are you feeling any better now, Xiao?"

He sighed quietly before speaking. "I am, thanks to you..."

Aether smiled softly as the Adeptus kept his face as same as always. Cold and calm.

"Do you plan on telling me now what has happened to you? No pressure, I'll listen whenever you're comfortable."

As he expected it, Xiao stayed quiet and turned away. Honestly, it didn't surprise him, it was hard getting any emotion out of someone like that. Even Zhongli himself says he's never seen the Yaksha show any kind of feelings in two thousand years of knowing him. But for some reason, Aether did not mind it. His goal was to help him, no matter how much it takes. He wanted to at least see Xiao smile. Just once would've been enough. But he was a tough nut to crack.

After a couple of moments of silence waiting for the answer xiao finally spoke ignoring the traveler's question.

"You're very different from other mortals I've met."

"How so?"

"Others would simply get scared and leave me at the place where you found me injured, they think I'm gonna harm them in some type of way, why are you this way, aether? Why haven't you just left me there?"

"Because, we're comrades, and comrades look out for each other! If I left you there not only would I lose the trust of old man Zhongli for not bringing you back, but I would also feel guilty, leaving you in such a painful state you were in when I found you."

Aether stared at the boy before him as he spoke once more "And of course, I didn't only come looking for you because I was commissioned to.'

"Why did you come to find me then?" The Adeptus finally gathered the courage to look at the blonde boy sitting in front of him at the table. He crosses his arms as usual and gave him an uneasy look.

The traveler chuckled awkwardly. "Because I care about you, a lot of people do. So please I don't wanna see you in such a state again."

"Hmph..." growled Xiao, again losing the confidence to look at his eyes. "You really are a difficult being to deal. with.." he said quietly, trying not to act too soft.

Aether rolled his eyes at the comment. He hears that all the time from him. It does not really surprise him anymore at this point.

"You can leave now! you've healed enough to get back to Wangshuu Inn."

"Um... there's something I've been meaning to ask you before I leave." Started Xiao. "Traveler, would you like to come with me and take a small stroll around Liyue Harbor...?"

The blonde boy nodded in surprise. They had been planning to go out like this for a while, and now seemed to be the perfect timing. "Sure! Sounds good. since I've got nothing better to do for now. Though, I need to tell Paimon I'll be gone before she starts freaking out and the entire Teyvat starts searching for me...That wouldn't be convenient to deal with..."

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