"Every Ending Is a New Beginning."

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The two siblings stood across eachother in a room that was in the middle of nothing. There was no sky, nor ground. You couldn't tell when you were standing or floating in the air, was there even air to begin with? The so called air had a cold scent to it, perhaps breathing didn't exist in such a room. Maybe the room wasn't even real to begin with. Nobody else was in the room besides the two golden haired immortals and somebody who wasn't planning on fighting at all, at least not yet.

Lumine had started growing something on her head, it was a dark horn which had blood dripping from it every second. Not only that, but the horn was also glowing in the same purplish aura that was haunting the boy on his entire journey. Everytime he'd go explore the abyss this exact same aura would appear.

That horn seemed to be the catalyst used to keep the abyss princess and her little creatures alive, the atmosphere in the abyss order could slowly kill any normal mortal who stepped a foot inside. The catalyst definitely had some alchemy all the way from Celestia to keep so many creatures alive at once. The girl had visited Celestia a couple of times to find ways to get more powerful, and unfortunately it worked and here she was, about to battle with her own brother.

The poor girl had been brainwashed by the voices in her head who kept telling her to find a way to destroy Teyvat and avenge the citizens of Khaenri'ah. She spent long time finding the perfect plan to end Teyvat once and for all. Her idiotic brother was just a small obstacle that she had to pass. Nothing too bad, right?

"It greatly surprises me that you challenged me for a fight with absolute zero hesitation, that really proves how you really hate me. Don't you brother?" Spoke the girl with tons of sarcasm in her voice.

"Killing you will leave me with no regret, I've found my home. And it certainly isn't anywhere near you. Home is wherever a person can be happy with their life, I've noticed over the couple years that only thing you've ever left me with was anger and depression." His words may have sounded very hurtful but the abyss princess didn't let it get to her.

"If that is what you truly want, go ahead. Attack me, Aether!" Yelled the blonde girl at her brother.

He took no time thinking, he made a huge tornado with his anemo powers and swirled it with electro. The tornado did absolutely no harm to his sister. She dodged it with ease and even made it dissapeared with one move with her sword. The boy then started running towards her, he attacked her with his sword but she blocked it with no issues.

They had an extremley long sword fight which seemed endless, no matter how the traveler attacked his sister still managed to block it. It was an endless fight, they both had the exact same fighting technique so trying to actually hurt eachother was impossible.

Eventually the girl managed to make a huge cut on the boy's left shoulder, he groaned in pain before his strenght mysteriously got increased. He was able to knock out the sword out of his sister's hands, but before he could try stabbing her she teleported away.

"This was supposed to be a fair fight between two enemies, you're making it unfair dear sister." Spoke the blonde boy as a grin started to form on his face, it wasn't that cute grin that he normally wore on his face. It was an evil one.

"You better stop making that face before I wipe that idiotic grin off your face, you've got no chance. Brother."

Footsteps started to be heard from behind Aether, even though they were quiet he managed to hear them. The moment he felt another person's breath on his neck he jumped into the air meanwhile putting pyro energy into his sword. Once his feet left the ground some strange things started to appear behind him, it was the same things he lost in his last fight with Lumine against the sustained of heavenly principles. The day he got thrown into Teyvat, his wings and all his power dissapeared. But now it was all back,

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