Freedom VI

710 31 11

"Why did you have to kiss me back there!?" Complained the traveler while covering his face with his hands from embarrassment.

"I didn't expect that child to run back so suddenly..." The Adeptus responsed, looking away.

"You couldn't have waited till we got out, could you?"

"You're embarrassed...?"

"And you aren't...?"

After Klee saw the two kiss, she looked very shocked, maybe even terrified. All three of them stares at eachother for a while before the little girl ran back to the acting grand masters office without saying a word.

The two boys headed outside, one clearly embarrassed, while the other couldn't stop looking away from his lover the entire time.

"She's still young, I doubt she understands what kissing even means." Pointed Xiao out.

"...this is still your fault."

The boy finally removed the hands he was covering his face with, revealing a very clear blush. The Yaksha sighed at the reaction.

"Weren't you the one who kissed me first?"



"You're right, sorry."

"I do not get why you're so flustered by it..."

"Tell me, would you feel strange if I suddenly kissed you while Morax himself was watching?"



The Adeptus quickly understood what his lover meant by that and quickly looked away. He wasn't sure how such feelings worked since it didn't affect him as much, but he understood only a little after the example his boyfriend used. He didn't feel as embarrassed as the other but only a little awkward.

"Let's not bicker, we have got to go visit Venti one last time before we leave."

Aether remembered that the next morning they will already be heading to a different nation. But before that they had to go to Liyue and give Paimon a visit. She was still in a coma and nobody knew when she was going to wake up. The traveler planned to go visit the bard one final time with his lover to say goodbye and ask if he possibly knew a way to wake her up.

The Anemo archon was very wise despite his everyday activity, there was a high chance he would be able to help out.

Maybe the boy with the green cape and the Yaksha could maybe even talk things out about certain events.

He just knew he definitely had to see Venti one last time before leaving.

"Is there any certain reason for it? If something is going on, please do inform me."

For a second he wasn't sure if he should tell the boy that he was gonna ask that drunk bard for help with his former companion. There was a chance that Xiao still didn't trust him. He did not want his partner to worry, so he ended up telling him anyway.

"I want to ask if he knows of a way to help Paimon...she has been unconscious for quite some time now. I'm getting worried. What if she never wakes up?"

The Adeptus put his hand on the boy's shoulder, and smiled warmly.

"I sensed life within her body the last time we saw her. She'll be okay, sooner or later. I promise you that."

Of course, the blonde still couldn't help but continue worrying. What if that life in her body had died out? He couldn't lose his best friend like that, they have been through so much together ever since his arrival in Teyvat.

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