A walk around Liyue Harbor

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The both boys got outside the teapot and immediately headed to Liyue Harbor. There was no particular place Xiao wanted to take Aether, he simply just wanted to spend some more time with him before he headed to the next place his journey was leading him to.

Paimon stayed with Lumine for the time being. Her traveling companion told her that he'd be busy for the day attending some matters involving the 'commission' katheryne had given him. The floating pixie did not mind, it was fun hanging out with Aether's twin sister sometimes.

As soon as Xiao crossed a foot in Liyue Habor he heard a familiar voice somewhere around him. He didn't need more than a second to guess who it was.

"Ah, traveler. And the conqueror of demons. I'm glad you managed to bring him back. I hope my quest didn't cause you too much trouble, nor take away much of your time." spoke Zhongli while walking up to the both of them.

"It was no problem. Really." The blonde-haired boy said looking at Xiao who was giving Morax the most annoyed look he had ever seen. It was funny sometimes seeing the geo archon himself act like a father figure towards the Adeptus. And him acting like a child toward Zhongli.

"Xiao you still have your painkillers right? If you do not please don't feel ashamed to ask me for some."

"You shouldn't be wasting your money on my mortal medications, I can get them myself."

Morax let out a small sigh of disappointment before saying his goodbyes to them and leaving to do some important work. He was a mysterious person, nobody really knew what the old man did in his spare time. Not even the traveler or any of his Adepti that watched over Liyue.

"So...where did you wanna go?" Aether's curiosity got the best of him and he decided to ask. Xiao never really said anything specific about where they will go.

"Are there any special places that you want to go to? If not I know some locations we can visit."

It surprised the traveler that he knew some places to take people to in the Habor. He knew how much Xiao hated crowds with lots of people and didn't expect he'd know much about the place on the inside other than what it looked like from the outside. Liyue was quite famous in Teyvat for having some insanely good opera and rock concerts. There are always tourists coming to see them, crowding the place.

"Well, I was thinking we could go to the wanmin restaurant and try some new kind of almond tofu they started selling! I heard it tastes heavenly."

The Yaksha's eyes lit up when he heard almond tofu escape Aether's lips. "Fine, sounds good if that's what you want." Said Xiao, trying not to sound too excited about some mortal food.

They walked to the restaurant while having some chit-chats along the way about food and life. They got weird and awkward stares from the citizens and Millelith. Aether noticed them but his companion didn't, he gave them weird stares back before Xiao could notice anyone was staring at them. Guess it really is rare to see him walk down the Liyue streets, let alone with someone keeping his company.

Soon enough people started pointing their fingers at the two boys that were just walking down the streets. They weren't doing anything illegal, so it confused the traveler why they looked like they saw a ghost. Soon enough the Adeptus spoke.

"I did not expect my presence to be so alarming to people."

"You barely come here, they're probably surprised to see the vigilant Yaksha that's supposed to protect Liyue out on the streets like this, they must think it's something serious going on."

"Hmm. Mortals." Mumbled the Yaksha under his breath.


Soon enough after some while they got to their destination. The streets around the place weren't filled with people giving them strange stares.

"Wait on the bench while I get us something, okay?"

Xiao nodded as he sat down on the bench. While waiting for his companion he closed his eyes to rest a little. Even if he was feeling healed his karmic debt was still bothering him no matter how good his physical state was.

Meanwhile, the Adeptus was waiting Aether made his way up to the counter to get them something to eat. He took some leftover mora he had in his pocket from when he was buying Paimon snacks the other day.

"Traveler!! Hi! Long time no see!" It was Xiangling, the daughter of the restaurant's owner, she often worked there when Chef Mao was busy.

"Nice seeing you here today, Xiangling."

"Same goes for you! Say, what can I get you today? There's some new special almond tofu we've got on the menu for today. There's only one more left if that's what you wanna get."

Aether thought for a moment, originally his idea was to get two portions, for both of them. He only hoped that Xiao wouldn't mind eating out the same plate as him.

"I'll take the special tofu then, but make sure to put two spoons please." the blonde boy put the mora on the table and decided to check up on his companion that was waiting.

"Come back in about ten minutes! I'll make sure to call you when it's ready."

Aether got back to the bench he left Xiao at, it seemed like he was in a deep sleep. He wasn't moving just sitting with his eyes closed.

"You're back already?"

"Huh- I thought you were asleep."

"I was just resting my eyes."

Well, that was one strange excuse. Aether shrugged it off and sat next to him.

"Are you tired?"

The Yaksha shook his head "Just exhausted."

The traveler gently put his hand on Xiao's forehead to check if he was sick just in case. The Adeptus flinched and looked away instantly. His head wasn't hot at least, meaning he really was exhausted.

"Sorry." He mumbled while still looking away.
"I wanted to check if you were feeling unwell, I should've asked for consent, my bad.." apologized Aether realizing how stupid it was to just touch Xiao's forehead out of nowhere.

He inhaled and exhaled deeply before turning back to look at the traveler.

"Don't apologize. I don't mind."

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