Continuing point IV

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Xiao took Paimon to lesser lord Kusanali since she wished to do some tests on her. The archon wanted to make sure everything was alright. If the Traveler woke up and saw something went wrong with his companion he definitely would've gotten angry.

A couple more days passed though, but still nothing. Aether was still having a battle with Irminsul. It pained the Adeptus to wait in that green room every day, he was slowly starting to hate the color. It irritated him so much. But he couldn't abandon his lover, no matter what got in his way, he was willing to wait. No matter how long it took.

It was a day before people started waiting for the clock to hit midnight in celebration of new year's eve. The Yaksha hoped that his boyfriend would return by then so they could maybe stare at the stars together while waiting. But that didn't seem like it would happen. It was going to be another boring eve for the boy like every other year.

He hoped that this one would be different because of how many things have changed in his life. But no. And he couldn't blame the blonde for it, nothing was his fault. Xiao was starting to feel the same annoying feeling he felt a long time ago.


Despite the Wanderer and the dendro archon constantly checking up on him, he still felt lonely.

This day wasn't much different than the rest. He sat there and waited, but nothing happened.

Paimon was stuck with Nahida being interrogated. So she couldn't talk to him even though she really needed answers about what happened. It was annoying. But she couldn't do anything about it. If the girl wanted to stay in good health she needed to make sure nothing was wrong.

The Yaksha lazily leaned his head against the wall. All this waiting was tiring him out. He knew how to deal with boredom but he wasn't sure how to deal with worry. Mortal emotions were still confusing to the boy.

"You're still waiting for him?" A voice from the other side of the room yelled, immediately catching the boy's attention.

It was Scaramouche, he started walking towards the Adeptus sitting on the ground. He took pity on him and decided to accompany him for a short while. There was nothing better he could do anyway.

"I'm going to wait until he comes back." Xiao responded coldly, his voice seemed so tired.

"And what if he doesn't come back? You know, there's a huge chance he got killed and didn't make it out on time. I understand I'm merely a puppet and have no right to decide what you should do with your life, but wasting your life here is stupid. Go outside and find a new friend."

The boy got up from the ground and started walking to the middle of the room, ignoring the other.

"Maybe he even forgot all about you."

Those words made the Adeptus freeze. He turned his head back at the former balladeer with wide eyes. There was no way the Traveler forgot, right?

"He didn't. He's alive I know it. He promised me he will come out alive."

Scaramouche let out a small laugh, seeing how desperate Xiao was to see the blonde was hilarious.

"You think mortal promises mean something? I'm sorry, my friend, but he isn't coming back." The boy with the hat started to walk once again toward the other.

Once again, he got ignored. The Yaksha understood he was just messing with him. He was just the type of person who loved seeing others get upset. The boy met many people like this when saving Liyue citizens. The best way of dealing with them is to ignore the.

"I'm curious though...what would you do if you found out he was dead?" The Wanderer asked.

"You want him to be dead so bad, don't you? He's your friend, isn't he? Have some respect."

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