Forever IV

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The next few hours went by pretty quickly. The three had no idea what time it was since the teapot had no clocks and neither did the sky change correctly. Tubby also had no idea so there was no point in asking her. Nobody had any clue about what day it was and when new year's eve was coming. They could've gone outside to take a look but Aether still needed to rest mentally. He had to calm down before going outside. Besides, he wasn't used to the new atmosphere without any wandering monsters outside. It was a long healing process but he didn't mind staying with the two people he cared the most about in this world.

One day, or night, nobody could tell what it was anymore, the traveler was taking a nap in his room while Xiao and Paimon were talking in the kitchen. They seemed to be getting closer as time went by.

They seemed to be having a very calm conversation. The Yaksha didn't have his usual annoyed expression so that was good.

"Paimon never knew you had so many fun stories from the time you were with your siblings! It must've been amazing having a large group to travel with!"

"It wasn't always so fun. Bonanus and Indarias would always argue over stupid things. It made it hard for the rest of us to focus. They still cared for each other, but in a weird way..."

"That makes Paimon wonder...Did you ever have a hatred towards any one of your siblings?"

The floor suddenly started to creak and footsteps could be heard from across the hallway. Since the house in the teapot wasn't really anything luxurious, the floors were made out of old wood the blonde found on his travels. It wasn't the best material but it got the job done.

Xiao sensed someone approaching and turned his head to the hall the noise was coming from. Paimon also stopped talking after realizing the adeptus wasn't listening.

Aether opened the door and walked inside the room while yawning. He had dark circles under his eyes from being awake for too long while sparring with the Yaksha. It's hard to have a normal sleep schedule when you have no clue what time it is.

"Look who finally decided to wake up!" Teased Paimon as she flew towards her companion to hug him.

"I was planning to sleep for a couple more hours but I have plans for today..." Announced the boy while hugging her back.

She gave him a surprised look, she knew nothing about any plans.

"We. We have plans." Corrected Xiao while crossing his arms.

"Huh!? Are you planning to leave Paimon on the streets all alone!? O-or even worse are you selling me to the adventurers guild?!" Sobbed the girl dramatically thinking her friend was just going to leave her.

He laughed at the reaction before looking at his lover and smiling. The two looked like they were silently debating about who will tell the floating child what was going on. They gave each other strange looks which made the girl even more confused than she already was.

The Adeptus finally sighed and decided to talk, this was all his idea after all. It was only fair that he explains it.

"He and I are going somewhere. Unfortunately, you can't come. We'll be going outside the teapot and since you were in a coma for so long, we believe it's best for you to stay here with Tubby." He explained. He made it sound like some dangerous mission, which made the traveler give him a weird look.

"Huh!? But why? You aren't planning to do more dangerous stuff are you?" Asked the girl with a little bit of fear in his voice.

At that point, the blonde already lost his nerves while thinking of a way to explain this to her. He was still a little exhausted but he couldn't wait until he got outside to breathe some fresh Teyvat air. He also wished to spend some alone time with his partner. They hadn't been able to spend time like couples do around Paimon.

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