The final fight (2)

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The world had completely disappeared once the God of space and time took the blade and pierced it through his heart once more. He couldn't feel the pain anymore due to most of his body already being gone. Everything was black but the boy knew his eyes were open. This sight reminded him of the old times when he and his sister were stars and would roam around the galaxy. Sometimes the galaxy was pitch black without any stars or anything. The blonde couldn't confirm it but he had an idea of where he was.

His plan seemed to have worked. The current Teyvat was gone.

Aether thought he was all alone until he sensed somebody approaching him. He turned his head and saw three familiar faces standing there.

Two were Istaroth and the third one was...Paimon? What was she doing here? The boy was confused for a second but then began connecting the dots. It all made so much sense after thinking a bit about it.

"So you finally managed to achieve the end you hoped for. I must say, I am surprised at how you stayed dedicated to your plan even after so many failed attempts." The 'bad' goddess of time started with a small smile on her face.

The traveler just nodded at that. He was more shocked at the fact that Paimon seemed to be just another one of Istaroth's fragments. She probably sent her to watch over the traveler after the first few failed attempts.

After the woman noticed that the blonde knew what was going on, she sighed and merged with the other two bodies.

They were awkwardly floating in space. Aether did not have much time left. Since the plan was successful. He offered his body in return. He would be gone in a short time. He had to create a better Teyvat as soon as possible.

"I'm sorry, but I think there are some things we have to discuss first. If you run out of time I'd gladly lend you some." She spoke.

"If it's about me lying about not knowing all this was going to happen then I do apologize. Going through the same journey multiple times was a terrible experience, but in the end, it all worked out, so I have no regrets." The boy started speaking.

Both his and the woman's voice echoed through the galaxy.

The traveler had been a god of time this entire time. He was one of the first ones ever created. It was only after going through the journey for the first time that he began getting his memories back. After the catastrophe happened, he made the time go back so he could fix his past mistakes. That resulted in multiple failed attempts, until this last one. Deciding to play around and falling in love in Teyvat made him make a decision that ended up saving Teyvat.

In the previous worlds, he went crazy and used his last bit of sanity to restart everything. In this world, a certain somebody managed to calm him down before it all happened. Aether wasn't sure how his dear lover managed to do that.

Now that he was lost in space and time, he quickly deleted all the other worlds and created a very specific world where he never came as a 'traveler'. Erasing somebody would be easy with Irminsul if he was from Teyvat, but he wasn't. Getting rid of alternative universes cost him his body and consciousness. He was ready to use his last bit of life to create a new and better Teyvat.

Surely the citizens living there would find a way to solve their problems without their dear traveler.

As he was creating something with his hands, Istaroth hugged him from behind and wouldn't let go. Her grasp was tight but it didn't matter. The God of space and time couldn't feel pain anymore.

"I enjoyed this journey with you, Aether." She spoke with sorrow in her voice. "It's sad that both of us have to leave this world so quickly..."

"...both of us?" He questioned.

"I have been the goddess of time in Teyvat for far too long. I'm tired. It's about time one of the hundred gods down there find somebody better than me."

"...I see."

"But I have one last dying request to ask of you."

Her grip softened and she flew a bit closer to the 'new' Teyvat Aether was creating.

"Go explain everything to him. His memories won't fade away since he touched your blade before you erased everything. He deserves to know what had been going on." She stated, with a warm smile on her face.

"...he hates me now. Where's the point?" Remembering the Yaksha's words made his chest ache far more than when he was stabbed three times that day.

"You do owe him an apology."

There was silence after that. Aether finally managed to create the 'new' Teyvat. He wasn't fading away as quickly as Istaroth so that meant she was about to be gone any second.

He looked at her and bowed his head down.

"You were my best friend throughout this journey. I thank you for being there for me. Without you, I don't know how I could have done this."

She smiled once more.

"I wasn't the only one who was always there for you."

And with that, she disappeared within the galaxy leaving no trace behind. Paimon and her were the same person, meaning Paimon was gone too. The boy smiled back at her even though she was already gone. A small tear escaped his eye before looking back at the newly created Teyvat from above.

He had very little time left. He had to make it count.

Using the little strength he had left, he teleported himself to Xiao's location.

As soon as he arrived there he was greeted with familiar scenery.

The Wangshu Inn.

Aether didn't have to look around to see where his partner was. He flew up and instantly spotted him sitting on the roof with a dull expression on his face. The blonde sat next to him and noticed how he was staring at the sunrise.

"You did it." The Adeptus spoke.

"It's all thanks to you."

Xiao gave him a confused look.

The God of space and time sighed deeply before explaining everything to his lover, how he had been reliving the same life multiple times, how this last time following love gave him the peace that he urgently needed to be able to do something so crazy.

It was awkward saying all this to a lover Aether was about to leave any second. The Yaksha wouldn't even look at him.

"That doesn't mean I'm forgiving you for lying to me and still going out even though you promised."

"That's okay. You don't have to forgive me. I deserve whatever hatred you have towards me."

With that, the blonde hugged Xiao tightly embracing him in his arms.

"I hate you." His lover began while also gripping him tight.

"I hate you so much. I hate you, I hate you!"

Tears rolled down the Adepti's cheeks as his partner eventually faded away the same way Istaroth did.

"I'm sorry for ruining everything. I pray that you find somebody who doesn't lie to you the same way I did, hopefully, somebody you can trust. I'm sad that I don't have many words left. If I could I'd stay for an eternity talking to you, but fate doesn't work that way. I guess this is a goodbye, Xiao."

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