Alone again IV

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"This really is a case I've never seen before. Are you sure you aren't using any of the Adepti arts to hide your bruises? Nothing else seems to explain the unusual disappearance of them."

"Doctor Baizhu, do you think I'd have the strength for something like that?"

The green-haired doctor was checking if everything was alright with the Yaksha before letting him go. He knew it was a bad decision but if it was his patient's wish he couldn't do much about it. Xiao wasn't sure what he was going to do after this. For some reason, he didn't feel like killing himself anymore. After that conversation with Ganyu a few days prior he didn't know what to think anymore.

It was also weird that the girl hadn't visited. Not that he wanted her to visit, but it was strange. She wouldn't let something go so easily.

"The look in your eyes tells me how you knew what happened back there. If it's personal affairs then I do not wish to pester you any further. Grab your things and try not to get yourself in similar situations anymore. We all worry for you. Oh! And I forgot to mention, somebody is waiting for you outside the room." The tall man said before leaving Xiao alone. He was hesitant but couldn't do much about it. If somebody wished to die then a doctor shouldn't be someone they turn to.

Hearing this made the boy confused. Who would be waiting for him? Morax perhaps? No, he couldn't give his identity away like that. That being any other Adepti was also a small possibility. It would cause suspicion for the mortals.

He grabbed the spear he used to stab himself not too long ago and gave his bed one last look before heading out.

While his mind was still stuck deep in thought, while walking through the walls of the Bubu pharmacy, he bumped into somebody.

It was Ganyu, carrying Qiqi on her back. She seemed to be asleep so Xiao didn't say anything but just stared. He waited for the girl to put the zombie child to bed before he could ask anything. She knew she sometimes babysat Qiqi but was she the person Baizhu told him about?

"Ah- apolo- oh? Xiao? You're feeling better already?" She whispered in surprise, trying hard not to wake the little girl up.

"Yes, but I'm heading out now. I...appreciate you bringing me here."

She smiled and looked at the ground before stopping the boy from leaving, she unconsciously grabbed his hand.

"Wait! I...uhm...are you free tomorrow?"

Realizing what she had done, she pulled away, blushing from embarrassment. Xiao just stared and tilted his head in confusion. He ignored it to keep things less awkward.

"I believe so. Yes." He responded.

"If you're up for it, do you wanna take a quick stroll around Liyue? It doesn't have to be the city! I just figured you might need a bit of company."

The Yaksha wasn't sure how to respond. He had nothing to do and staying alone with his thoughts would only bring trouble. He needed a distraction from a certain someone so he considered accepting this.

He looked into the girl's eyes which were full of anticipation and hope. She seemed nervous about the boy's response. This was obvious because she began fidgeting with her fingers.

This oddly reminded him of the time Aether asked him to go to lantern rite together for the first time. He had this same exact look in his eyes. Ganyu and him had a very similar smile. This made it difficult for the Adeptus to accept. He didn't want to see his previous lover in Ganyu.

Why does he have to be this way?

After enough time had passed the boy spoke up with his arms crossed.

"...I would appreciate that."

The half-Adeptus girl's eyes instantly lit up with a spark inside of them. She smiled.

"Perfect! I'm happy you accepted! I'll come pick you up in the evening. Not many roam the streets of Liyue at that time. We can also go at night if you prefer...'

"Night would be more appropriate if that's fine with you."

"Sure. Well...I guess, see you then?"

Xiao nodded.

The girl smiled once more and left the Bubu pharmacy in a hurry. She seemed to be very busy with work today. The Yaksha wasn't sure if it was the right decision to go. Why did he even accept? Was it because of the familiar spark in her eyes? He wasn't sure what to think and neither did he know whether his brain was working correctly or not.

Before he decided to leave the pharmacy as well, he heard a pair of footsteps approach him from behind. He turned around to see the doctor with his snake around his neck.

"Oh my, now this is new. Did my favorite patient of all time just get asked out on a date? I knew I should've cleaned my glasses before checking up on you!" Baizhu spoke with a teasing tone.

"I don't think it's your vision this time~ I saw it with my very own eyes too!" The snake added.

Looking back now, the Adeptus realized how supportive the doctor was of whoever he got into a relationship with. Back when he was in his pharmacy with Aether, the doctor made similar comments.

Oh, archons.

There his mind goes again, thinking of the blonde.

He covered his ears and walked out of there as fast as he could and then teleported back to Wangshu Inn.

He laid there on the roof and stared at the leaves that were getting blown away by the wind.

Yet another question crossed Xiao's mind like usual.

How long would it take him to get over his past lover? Was he ever gonna be able to do it?

Why was he so attached to someone he held so much hatred towards? Surely after some time, he would forget the boy.

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