Unfinished journey IV

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Wars only ever happened if it was a huge argument between the gods, it was only them that could destroy the land so much. Or so they thought. The sudden appearance of so many creatures from deep within the abyss left them with countless questions, even the smartest gods among them didn't know what was happening. Little did the archons know, it was a mortal blonde haired girl that was destroying all of their hard work to make Teyvat the world it is today.

All seven archons and others gods fought together with their people, they were clueless of what could have caused this war and when it will end. The monsters from deep within the Abyss haven't killed too many people, but they were dangerous. The archons had protected their land as hard as they could, it took a lot of their power but they managed to stay as calm and vigilant as possible.

Nobody knew what could have caused this, nobody expect for a famous blonde traveler and his Adeptus friend. They've decided to not alarm anyone about who caused all of this, Aether wanted to deal with his sister alone. All he needed was some help from his companion to find her and maybe some support if she tried to attack.

The two boys decided to head towards the east of Teyvat where the abyss order doors were located. Getting there was a nightmare, they needed to swim for not one but two hours without a break. The water was cold but they didn't give up. They were very lucky there were no sea creatures.

The doors were located on an island barely anyone visited, most didn't even know it existed. Aether just so happens to have found it while searching if there was anything across the sea, he never went inside due to the dangers that could possibly kill him. The boy always knew that Lumine was the ruler of the Abyss, but unfortunately he never knew that this door lead immediately to her base. The doors were an ancient hideout from the archon war, it seemed like the princess of the abyss turned it into some sort of factory for the creatures.

Xiao managed to get some information on the so called factory by using some of his adepti energy. He didn't waste too much but he found out lots of things about the place. Usually Adepti aren't allowed to use their power for such thing but he knew it was the only way to find out where Lumine could be. Species like his have many tricks up their sleeves.

Luckily when the two of them arrived, there was nobody around the island. It was quiet but the door of the abyss order was opened.

"I don't think anyone is here, it seems safe to go inside."

"I'm not sensing any living beings either, that's what makes it strange. Let's search around a little more." Suggested the Yaksha.

"Alright..." nodded the other.

Splitting up seemed to be the best and fastest way to search the entire island, the blonde boy decided to take a good look behind rocks and bushes but he found nothing. It seemed like a pointless search but he decided to trust the Adeptuses instincts, he was way more experienced than the traveler when it came to stuff like this.

Eventually Xiao called out his companions name, he immediately ran to where the sound of his voice was coming from. The Yaksha seemed to have found purple liquid sprayed all over the floor, it had a disgusting smell once you got close to it, it was safe assume that it was blood from those scary creatures.

"Hm...why is it dead? Aren't we the only people who came here? I doubt Lumine would kill her own minions." Questioned Aether.

"Perhaps it was a failed experiment or remainings of an injured mage."

The blonde boy crouched down and decided to touch it with his hand, the moment he made contact with the 'blood' he felt something and immediately flinched.

"Lumine..." he whispered to himself while staring at his hand that was now covered in blood, his eyes were full of anger and shock.

His companion got concerned the second the traveler flinched.

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