The banquet ||

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Time passed and eventually, it was time for the Banquet. Through letters, the Geo Archon sent the exact location where it will be held. Unfortunately, the two boys were definitely going to be late even if they teleported right away. Right before they headed out a small inconvenience occurred.

At the exit of the palace, as Xiao was about to hold the door open for his lover, he felt a sharp pain in his back. Aether insisted that neither of them would leave the house until the blonde finished healing his partner. It took a while but the Yaksha's health mattered more to him than some Banquet.

"It isn't that bad. We're gonna be late. I can endure it I promise." The Adeptus complained while clenching his fist due to the pain.

"I didn't get promoted as the God of time for nothing. We could go back in time so we won't be late. Besides, I know how bad this type of pain can hurt."

"...How would you know? I thought you preferred being the one who gives."

Silence filled up the room and Xiao turned around to face his boyfriend wondering why he had gotten so silent all of a sudden. Sure his back still hurt but this seemed more important.

The blonde looked back at him with a somewhat embarrassed expression and gently turned his head to look back forward so he could continue healing his back properly.

"...In one of the many worlds I went through, I let some guy use me however he wanted." He replied after a while.

"Why would you do that? Judging from your tone you didn't seem to enjoy it, so why...?"


At that moment, Aether finished healing the other. He placed a gentle kiss on the boy's back and smiled as he got up to leave.

"...So, were you frustrated yesterday?" Xiao couldn't help but ask. His gaze fell to the ground as he put his shirt back on.

"What? No! I don't do that kind of stuff with you because I'm frustrated. I do it because I love you. I'd never use you only for my own selfish benefits. Your feelings matter too."

The Adeptus got up as well and grabbed his partner's hand as they walked to the palace's exit.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have asked. I trust you wouldn't do something so terrible."

Aether just smiled and brushed it off. Intimacy was still new to the other so he didn't mind these types of questions. He was just happy to have finally healed his lover so his back wouldn't kill him at the Banquet.

Before the two left through the door, the traveler whispered some words to himself until a bright, shiny portal opened up. The boy made some final adjustments and then closed his eyes for a short time, probably inserting the location into the portal. Sure, they could just fall from Celestia on Teyvat but their hair would get ruined and the Banquet was supposed to be something fancy. Arriving with messy hair would be weird.

Since the Zapolyarny Palace back in Snezhnaya hadn't been used in a while, the archons decided to organize everything there with the Tsaritsa's approval. It was cold but very cozy.

The two boys stepped one step forward into the portal and arrived in front of the palace. Two guards were guarding the door in the distance. Aether gripped his lover's hand tighter instead of moving.



"What's wrong then? You looked forward to this."

"Actually, let's be a little late. Hopefully no one minds." The blonde suggested while taking a seat on one of the benches that was randomly sitting there.

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