The banquet |

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Multiple different answers will appear once you ask the question of what love means to someone. To some, it's kissing and other gestures of a similar kind. To others, it's the trust you and your partner are able to form throughout your life together. There will never be a correct answer to what love truly is, thus, everyone is allowed to make their own definitions of what exactly this strange feeling is.

Many years passed in Teyvat. Snow came and left. People changed. Everything slowly began changing. Most of the archons began getting closer to their people out of nowhere.

Xiao and Aether never left each other's side during the years that have passed. Neither of them had a clue how many even passed. All that mattered was that they were finally together. The Yaksha had a choice to return to the people of Liyue but not once since he arrived in Celestia had he even thought about leaving.

For him, the real home was wherever he was together with the blonde. If he left he was scared that he would never be able to come back even though his lover promised him he could come back any time he wanted.

During their time apart, Aether realized that Celestia had been left empty after getting rid of all the evil gods. So what else could he have done other than reclaim the land for himself? He could watch over the people of Teyvat at any time and make sure everything was alright.

As the new owner of Celestia, he obtained the power to give others visions. So naturally, he got busy from time to time observing mortals and granting them visions, making sure they didn't fall into the wrong hands.

His partner helped him of course. The two did quite a good job at it.

Who knew that after so much suffering everything would turn out just fine?

There was only one last issue the two boys weren't sure how to solve. Since Xiao left, everyone thought he had gone missing or possibly even died. Zhongli was the only one who knew what was going on but refused to open his mouth.

Archons were the only people besides the two who knew what had happened. Aether felt, that as rulers of the land, they should know the truth.


From time to time, the Traveler would leave Celestia and change his appearance to talk to the people he gave visions to. It was a fun hobby of his. He would often invite Xiao but he chose to stay up in the skies.

During one of these days, the Adeptus woke up a bit later than usual and didn't have the time to see his lover off. He quickly got up, got dressed, and headed toward the balcony at the end of the hall. He smiled while looking into the distance.

From the other side of the huge palace, a loud door opened. This could only mean one thing.

Xiao instantly teleported downstairs, ready to greet his partner. The second he teleported he caught a quick glimpse of the blonde stuffing something unrecognizable into his pocket. It seemed a bit suspicious but the Yaksha figured he shouldn't be giving it much thought for now. He trusted the boy with his whole heart, it was most likely nothing.

The traveler seemed somewhat exhausted. He took his white hood off and almost collapsed if it wasn't for his lover catching him right on time.

"Easy now. You really should stop changing your appearance each time you do this. It exhausts you far too much." Xiao pointed out while helping him stand straight once more.

Aether had been going undercover as 'Genesis' to hang around people he gave visions to so he could make sure those people really deserved it. He couldn't pay for another disaster to happen because of the choices he made. Visiting each and every person undercover took a lot of his daily energy. The Adeptus would sometimes offer to do it instead but the blonde didn't let him most of the time since this was his job.

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