Chapter 3

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Yeonjun went his way to find a new job as soon as possible.. in hopes for increasing his income and helping his family ...

He was walking an alley, observing both sides to see an open shop or sth...

Yeonjun's pov:

It's been a week from that blown up store incident, and I haven't seen that boy ever since..

although I've been going outside at least once everyday... Isn't this a little neighborhood here?

Is there a possibility he was injured too bad or sth?..


What does it even have to do with me :|

Wow.. speakin of the devil..


He entered a garage. and saw a familiar face. It was that nosy old man who sold him the noodles and the tissue box. He was sweating all over and Yeonjun could smell it from so far...


The man turned around and saw the young boy getting close, but seemed to ignore it.

_May I ask where I can find a job?

_Why are you asking me kid. Go find it yourself.

_Can't I work here?



_It's not suitable for you


_Aaah.. get ur ass outa here or imma beat it up myself.

_Why exactly am I not suitable?
Yeonjun stayed calm questioning the old man with a confused look.

_I can say it by a glance that u're a fraidy cat.

Said the chubby man with a raised eyebrow, curious about the reaction...

_How much is the salary.
The man gave up.

_Hmph.. Go ask the details from that weakling over there.

He pointed at beomgyu, then grabbed a pack of cigarettes and left the garage without any further words.





_What do you want?

Asked beomgyu trying to open the lug nuts, sweating nonstop.

His dark brown hair was tied in a pony tail, sweat was covering all his face and gathering in the end of his chin dripping down every few seconds.
He was trying so hard and his slim, but muscular arms where clearly in sight with him wearing a sleeveless top.

Yeonjun decided to lend a help. He bent down and grabbed a t-bar from the ground.

Beomgyu raised his head, and stared at Yeonjun for a while with a frown.

_Oh, are u the boy from the new family?
He looked down again, continued what he was doing.

_Yes. ..Did u lose ur last job?

_How do u... hmm.. Yes. Now fuck off. I don't need your help.

_I work here.

_How com I've never seen ya? Fuck off from here then, go do sth else...

_1st, How the hell were u even supposed to see me before this when u worked in that store??
and 2nd, watch ur mouth.

Yeonjun stayed calm all along. But he was losing his patience slowly as he was having more interactions with people out there. It was like .. Literally everyone seemed to be able to get in a fight any timeee...

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