Chapter 23

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Yeonjun was helping setting the table.

They sat eating the delicious meal talking about this and that, laughing in between...

_U're ok working there Yeonjun? Is the employer ok?

_Yeah.. They're fine fortunately..

He said nodding with a smile, flipping his hair back..

_Hahaaaa Yeonjun's flirtinggg...

Shouted his cousin all of a sudden..

A few seconds passed with the silence caused by the confusion... followed by the uncle's loud laughter as he saw the whole thing ...

_HAHAAA  ... U brat ... Where'd u learn that ...

_Yeonjun said it's a jokeee Heheee...

He said playfully .. keeping the loud tone..

_I didn't u lil...

Said Yeonjun threatening the kid with the fork in his hand, his eyes widened once again at the shock..

He heard his phone ringing from his pocket.. he grabbed it and saw the name:

"old mule"...

_Sorry. I should take this.

He apologized, then left the table going to the room. 

_Hey thereee.. U missin me already?

_Yeah.. When're u comin back?...

Yeonjun was caught off guard by so many things at the same time...

The tiredness in his cracked voice to begin with, and the fact that he said yes to that stupid question?.. plus the sudden question repeated by him..

_Hey.. What's wrong.. why u sound so dead meat? ..haha..

He said with a mixture of concern and a nervous laughter..

_Hehe. I'm fine .. What time is it there?

_Same as urs .. We're in Busan rn.. 16:37

_Oh.. Well...

he went silent for a while, those few seconds literally making yj's heart bounce out of his mouth for some reason...

..guess it's harder than i thought ...

_What is harder?..

Yeonjun was now wearing a stern face concerned of the younger acting weird...

_Hey.... I'm talking to u .. What are u talking about..

_I ..wanted to thank u .. for everything u've done so far...I
Well I had a really nice time with y__

_Hey hey .. Wait a minute .. What's exactly goin on??
Did u contact the right number?

Gyu laughed faintly at the elder's cute confusion..

_No.. it's right.. it's alright.. Umm..

Yeonjun was frowning holding the phone, waiting impatiently for continuance ..

_Thank u Junnie ..
I luv u ...
plus.. I'm leaving.. so please don't look for me when u come back...
Bye bye..

He hung up then..

sat on the couch deafeted.. looked at the chair,.. a few minutes.. then cried his lungs out.. as loud as for the neighbors to sneak out their windows, curious of where the sound's coming from..

His body was constantly shivering as he let out cracked wails in between the painful sob...

Some people came knocking at his door, but he didn't care and just let them be..

The sound faded by time leaving him unconscious on the couch with a rope in his hands..


Yeonjun stood still in the dark room for a few seconds, processing all the things he'd heard...

A familiar instinct hit him reminding him of that night...
on the beach...


He said rushing out of the room, the loud sound of the door opening, scaring everyone on the table..

_Where are u goingg Yeonjun???

Asked his mother with a confused and frowning face..

_I'm grabbing uncles'a car for a while .. I'm sorry i need to goo

_Yeonjun waittt

He could hear nothing but gyu's words repeating continuously in his mind...

He slammed the car's door and started driving..

he'd been holding the phone all along trying to contact gyu again and again.. but he would not answer and it seemed his number was blocked by him..

tears slowly formed in his eyes, making his sight blurry as he was driving the empty alley with the speed of light...


He screamed hitting the steering wheel..

He was about 4 hours far from him... and could only pray for a miracle to happen...

words count: 622

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