Chapter 10

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They were sitting in front of the sea..
The breeze came touching their skin gently...

The sky was now full of clouds..  And it seemed there was a flood coming.. That was the reason the beach wasn't that crowded...

They knew this, too.. But well they didn't seem to care.. more like they were so much in thought about what they're gonna say or hear that it made them unaware of their surroundings to some point..

They stayed in silence for a while ..Only listening to the seagulls and the tides getting wild...


_My.. _I..

_U go first...


..  ..
I had a little sister..
the fact is that .. she ...
she ....

Yeonjun seemed to be in loss of words ..

He'd been waiting for so long for this conversation and thought everything through.. about every single word he wanted to say.. just to make it as affective as possible...

but it seemed it was no help at the moment since he felt stuck so bad..

she died 2 years ago..

Yeonjun said the hard part at first to avoid havin any lumps in the throat ...



I have a home job.. So I was home most of the times...
But once .. We all went to a festival but she stayed home and didn't come with us... she... she said she had homework..

Beomgyu was frowning unconsciously,
for he was listening with all his attention and focus..

_Well.. We went there at 9 am... and came back at 16:30 ..

His voice was starting to get shaky as he was trying to describe what happened with details and had to swallow the distress and the urge to break every time he spoke up..

.. When we arrived ..
We couldn't find her at home ...
but finally....
Well ..Her window was open ...
I ..didn't want to believe my guess..
so I didn't look out the window.....I... went downstairs..

He paused for a sec.. staring at the waves with sorrowful eyes..

I found her body unconcious in the empty land next to our house... I checked her pulse .. and well..

She never breathed again..

_... How old was she....

_17.. That summer ...  she turned 17 that summer..

And well.. My father used to work as a pediatrician..
He.. used to see lots of kids everyday.. he couldn't hide his pain and couldn't work properly... so he resigned..

My mom's also a housewife..  and my money wasn't enough to support the whole family.. and I wasn't living with them either.. And well.. after all this ...

We had to reduce the expenses.. so we came here..

A few minutes passed with no words...   the silence was becoming unbearable...

Beomgyu broke it with the sound of clearing his throat ...

_I.. I don't know..what I should say rn...

Saying I'm sorry hearing that.. won't bring her back.. I can just ..wish her soul to be happy.. at least now that she's gone..
And I know the story behind u and ur family's reason to come here.. and maybe that night as well...

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