Chapter 19

378 16 5

7:52 am

The sunlight made its way through the white curtain, lightening the room. .
Everything seemed so bright in that light,

He opened his eyes, and squeezed them feeling the light hittin..

_Guess takin u as the reason may blind me soon..

He stayed in bed, not going to work.. And he didn't even call his senior informin him about his absence.

_It's comin again..
.. . ..
..  . ...

But I'm not gonna welcome it..

not this time..

now it's a bit different tho...

I've got a shelter..

hah.. Says the one sayin all those wise words about attachments bringin weakness..

Though.. guess I've gotten attached unintentionally

He got up, and looked out the window.

then decided to go out, since he saw the sky gettin cloudy now.. and the sunlight was vanishing slowly.. so now it would be bearable to go

He went upstairs, to the rooftop.

opened the door, and felt the strong wind hit his face, and it made his hair spread in the air.

_The rain's even harder to rely on .. Since it's somehow.. rare.. compared to the sun..

He said looking at the large clouds in the sky.

Well now I'm sayin  bullshit ...

I should listen to his words...

It's just ..


not anything .. or anyone else...

Suddenly a little raindrop fell on his nose, and pulled him out of his thoughts ...

_oh.. it finally started..

It started raining lightly... the drops felt more like little caressing hands of a kind person..
The sky now had some dark shades of blue in between the nested clouds.

He went closer to the edge, covered by a short wall, then looked down.

People were crossing streets running away from the rain.. one had an umbrella which he thought is a sign showing he's come out  just now.

The taxis were now causing traffic...

In total,

Everything seemed more alive while raining.

am I the only one not feelin the same?..

he thoght.


Japan_Yeonjun's holiday [day 1]

Yeonjun's mom decided and announced from the beginning; she's gonna spend all her time shopping.

Him and his dad tho visited some historical places and had their dinner in an old ramen shop.


_I'm glad we've got the chance to go on a trip after so long.. We all..
needed a break..

Said Mr. Choi pouring yj some saki in a little glass on the counter.
His voice was mixed with the background sound of the crowd in the shop and the ones passing by, and made it look like a dialoug comin out of an anime.

Yeah.. I'm glad, too. :)

_Umm.. Well..  I can't remember when was the last time we shared our time talkin to each other.. but.. I..
wanted to apologize to u, as well .. umm..

Yeonjun never blamed his parents for this, but well, he decided he'd let his dad finish his words first; since he guessed he might've been preparing himself for this moment from long ago..

a familiar feeling he his own had experienced as well.

...I know everyone's been having such a hard time..

And well, me resigning from my job made everything worse..
I've talked to ur mom, too..
I...I really didn't mean to___

_That's ok dad.. U don't need to apologize..nor explain... It's fine...

Yeonjun said feeling the pressure on his father building up.

_Haha.. Guess u're really already a grown up.. hehe.. I'm happy u can understand ..

He said smiling at the glass he was holding, then drinking it all in a quick move, letting out a loud sigh.

_Ofc I do..

We all break sometimes..

He said, all of a sudden thinkin about the one who broke.. having the shot right after his dad..


Back to gyu :> :


He lost count of the times he yawned in one day. He skipped work again, stayin at home

_I hate cloudy days... they make u wait for the rain, and then it doesn't and u'll be clowned...

The humid morning breeze touched his face when he opened the door.

The rooftop ground was damp due to the little rain in the morning.

This time he didn't even bother to dress properly as he was sure he's not gonna leave the house after that..
The comfy clothes he was wearing was suitable for the inside the house temperature, so he felt a bit chill now going outdoor..

He'd been listening to songs more frequently now that he'd been skippin work and had more time for himself..

the lyrics came to his mind and he started humming:

but when I'm cold.. cold...
when I'm cold.. cold...
there's a light that u gave me
when I'm in shadow..
there's a feeling u gave me, .. an everglow..

(♫︎ Everglow by coldplay)

_Who gave u everglow?

Beomgyu gasped hearing the familiar voice; then turned around and...

words count: 799

Today's one of my friend's bday and so i thought i'd have an update :>

every one wish her a happy birthdayy

she has a page on pinterest where she uploads her kpop edit videos
the name: Someone, username: H_I_H
Check it out if u like ^^

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