Chapter 17

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Yeonjun asked if he needed help for taking off his shirt or anything else..
But Beomgyu refused all that saying he wants to be alone...

_Look .. I know u're not feeling ok at the moment .. But I'm here to help.. So please just cope with me a little and let me lend a help....please...

Said Yeonjun with a worried face, trying his best to chose the right words...

Beomgyu had said nothing much from the incident ...

He agreed silently .. Then started lifting up his shirt carefully .. The bandage was all wet

Yeonjun opened the bandage slowly as Beomgyu took off his shirt ... The dark purple bruises seemed to be healing by time, but the old injury was now replaced by the hot tea's affect ..

His light skin was now swollen a bit changing to red .. .

_I'll go wash up first...
He said quietly..

Yeonjun nodded. Watching him leave.. He knew he needed to be alone, so he didn't ask him if he wanted help anymore..

Beomgyu taook a painful shower and changed.


_..r u feeling any better?...

Beomgyu was sitting in that same position on the couch. He lifted up his head as he heard Yeonjun's voice.

_Yeah.. I'm fine...

_I'm.. sorry about what happened .. I really didn't expect her to__

_Why're u apologizing ... you've done nothing wrong...

Said Beomgyu stretching his legs lying on the sofa. He hugged the cushion, looking at Yeonjun sitting on the ground.

Yeonjun asked him if he could stay for the night, and Beomgyu was more than willing to accept, but well didn't express it that much ofc...

_Yeah.. sure..

Beomgyu suddenly got up and walked to his room.

A few minutes passed, and he didn't come back; so Yeonjun was concerned, and he decided to go and check on him.

He was surprised to see Beomgyu struggling to move some mattresses.

_Haha.. What are u doing..

_I won't sleep on my bed tonight.

_Then where ...

_Come help me move these..


Yeonjun walked closer, then grabbed the whole thing from his hands and they got out of the room.

Beomgyu moved the tea table, and pointed at the empty ground for Yeonjun to put the mattress.

_Put mine here, too.

Yeonjun looked at him in confusion, but asked nothing, obeying his words.

The mattresses were now both placed on the ground, and Beomgyu laid down right away, putting the blanket on himself

He was facing the ceiling..


Yeonjun was still confused and had too many questions at the moment..


but decided to just act normal, so he turned the fan on and the lights off, and came back laying on the ground beside Beomgyu.

The little white pieces of cloth sticking to the fan looked like they were dancing

the window was also open, and the coastal breez now spreading in the room felt nice on their skin.

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