Chapter 14

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a/n: warning u that this's gonna be a steamy chapter...

I'm done, here u go..  U👄U ...

Yeonjun connected their lips at once...He placed his hand on one side of Beomgyu's head and pulled it closer..

It continued for a while...and they would part now and then, but it wouldn't take long and they'd connect again as they could feel the urge rising.

... and well they finally parted completely after about, .. a whole minute..

Beomgyu was now panting, trying to catch his breath...

a few seconds went by them only trying to breathe steadily.. and finally yeonjun broke the silence

_But I can...

He said wearing a wide grin in the dark..

Beomgyu lowered his head and his hair fell on his face covering it all...
He thanked God it was almost dark and he thought Yeonjun couldn't see his face turning into a tomato...

Yeonjun giggled as he saw Beomgyu's action.

He gently brushed his hair aside and stuck it behind his ears...

He softly held his chin up and looked at him ..  His face's expression had a mixture of tiredness and the heat of the moment in it.. His eyes half open.. his mouth, too.. His now glossy lips parted from each other a bit..

the little light in the room was reflecting in his eyes...

_What a beautiful sight ...

He said .. then leaned down for another kiss...

He deepend it more this time..

Beomgyu was now standing on his knees..

He wanted to feel more comfortable and stable so..

he crawled closer and carefuly sat on Yeonjun's laps.. making sure he won't pressure the plaster

He placed his hand on the elder's head and felt the soft locks of hair in between his fingers..

They were both breathless once they parted again..

and now that gyu was a bit higher than yeonjun, it was the best angle to be going down as yj's face perfectly fit in the crook of gyu's neck.. he began from the jawline and ended up on his soft neck slowly making the younger let out weak, short moans..

he finally removed his lips from the boy...

and they both were still breathing heavily


_How many girls or boys?.. have u kissed before with these lips...

There most be a lot...

Asked Beomgyu panting...

I've.. kissed a brat tho..

_You're lying...

_About kissing a brat?

_Nope.. that ain't a lie..
About this being ur first ..

_How about u?

Beomgyu was shocked to be asked mutually...

_It was my first...

then u've gotta be cursing the hell out of me rn...

_I started it...

_But u didn't think I'd continue?...


_Believe it or not, it was my 1st, too..
Guess I'm naturally good at it.. heheee...

_narcissiat ...

Said Gyu with an eyeroll..


Btw... Isn't this weird that we don't know each other's names by now??

_It is...I'm Beomgyu...


Beomgyu finally let go of his shirt...
Yeonjun stood up.. He wanted to walk away but felt Beomgyu's hand grabbing his shirt again.. He stopped, then turned back


Beomgyu looked at him curiously..

_Do u always do that?

_Do what?

_Staying by someone's side as long as u make sure they're ready to let go..

_Yes, I guess?..  I used to do this every time ... when my mom was feeling sick, for the grief of my sister's loss...


a good son...

_Sounded like a dog owner, hehe..

_Shut up...
Can u ..

stay tonight then?...


No my ass.. Fuck off then ...

_Bahaha..Ok.. Ok.. I was jokin...

_Keep ur lame ass jokes for urself

Beomgyu was now laying back on the bed facing the wall..

cute.. thought Yeonjun..

_Hey .. Why'd u get so mad.. I can go if it really annoys u that much...

he said chuckling.

Beomgyu turned back giving Yeonjun the "Are u serious.." look.

STOP teasing me and sit down on that fucking chair for a moment...

_Sure.. :>

Beomgyu turned back facing the wall again...

I mean
I'm finally.. ready to talk.. so..
don't be an asshole and listen...




words count: 677


Sorry i dunno if i succeeded in narrating such stuff or not, but hope u liked it anyway  \(@v@\ )

and God, the views are already above 700 and i'm freakin oututzluzljfljf

thanks again for reading my story :')♡

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